
Enum SettingsEnum

pub enum SettingsEnum {
Show 797 variants BondingVdwCutoff = 0, MinMeshSpacing = 1, DotDensity = 2, DotMode = 3, SolventRadius = 4, SelCounter = 5, BgRgb = 6, Ambient = 7, Direct = 8, Reflect = 9, Light = 10, Power = 11, Antialias = 12, CavityCull = 13, GlAmbient = 14, SingleImage = 15, MovieDelay = 16, RibbonPower = 17, RibbonPowerB = 18, RibbonSampling = 19, RibbonRadius = 20, StickRadius = 21, HashMax = 22, Orthoscopic = 23, SpecReflect = 24, SpecPower = 25, SweepAngle = 26, SweepSpeed = 27, DotHydrogens = 28, DotRadius = 29, RayTraceFrames = 30, CacheFrames = 31, TrimDots = 32, CullSpheres = 33, Test1 = 34, Test2 = 35, SurfaceBest = 36, SurfaceNormal = 37, SurfaceQuality = 38, SurfaceProximity = 39, NormalWorkaround = 40, StereoAngle = 41, StereoShift = 42, LineSmooth = 43, LineWidth = 44, HalfBonds = 45, StickQuality = 46, StickOverlap = 47, StickNub = 48, AllStates = 49, Pickable = 50, AutoShowLines = 51, IdleDelay = 52, NoIdle = 53, FastIdle = 54, SlowIdle = 55, RockDelay = 56, DistCounter = 57, DashLength = 58, DashGap = 59, AutoZoom = 60, Overlay = 61, Text = 62, ButtonMode = 63, Valence = 64, NonbondedSize = 65, LabelColor = 66, RayTraceFog = 67, SpheroidScale = 68, RayTraceFogStart = 69, SpheroidSmooth = 70, SpheroidFill = 71, AutoShowNonbonded = 72, CacheDisplay = 73, MeshRadius = 74, BackfaceCull = 75, Gamma = 76, DotWidth = 77, AutoShowSelections = 78, AutoHideSelections = 79, SelectionWidth = 80, SelectionOverlay = 81, StaticSingletons = 82, DepthCue = 84, Specular = 85, Shininess = 86, SphereQuality = 87, Fog = 88, IsomeshAutoState = 89, MeshWidth = 90, CartoonSampling = 91, CartoonLoopRadius = 92, CartoonLoopQuality = 93, CartoonPower = 94, CartoonPowerB = 95, CartoonRectLength = 96, CartoonRectWidth = 97, InternalGuiWidth = 98, InternalGui = 99, CartoonOvalLength = 100, CartoonOvalWidth = 101, CartoonOvalQuality = 102, CartoonTubeRadius = 103, CartoonTubeQuality = 104, CartoonDebug = 105, RibbonWidth = 106, DashWidth = 107, DashRadius = 108, CgoRayWidthScale = 109, LineRadius = 110, CartoonRoundHelices = 111, CartoonRefineNormals = 112, CartoonFlatSheets = 113, CartoonSmoothLoops = 114, CartoonDumbbellLength = 115, CartoonDumbbellWidth = 116, CartoonDumbbellRadius = 117, CartoonFancyHelices = 118, CartoonFancySheets = 119, IgnorePdbSegi = 120, RibbonThrow = 121, CartoonThrow = 122, CartoonRefine = 123, CartoonRefineTips = 124, CartoonDiscreteColors = 125, NormalizeCcp4Maps = 126, SurfacePoor = 127, InternalFeedback = 128, CgoLineWidth = 129, CgoLineRadius = 130, Logging = 131, RobustLogs = 132, LogBoxSelections = 133, LogConformations = 134, ValenceSize = 135, SurfaceMiserable = 136, RayOpaqueBackground = 137, Transparency = 138, RayTexture = 139, RayTextureSettings = 140, SuspendUpdates = 141, FullScreen = 142, SurfaceMode = 143, SurfaceColor = 144, MeshMode = 145, MeshColor = 146, AutoIndicateFlags = 147, SurfaceDebug = 148, RayImproveShadows = 149, SmoothColorTriangle = 150, RayDefaultRenderer = 151, FieldOfView = 152, ReflectPower = 153, PreserveChempyIds = 154, SphereScale = 155, TwoSidedLighting = 156, SecondaryStructure = 157, AutoRemoveHydrogens = 158, RaiseExceptions = 159, StopOnExceptions = 160, Sculpting = 161, AutoSculpt = 162, SculptVdwScale = 163, SculptVdwScale14 = 164, SculptVdwWeight = 165, SculptVdwWeight14 = 166, SculptBondWeight = 167, SculptAnglWeight = 168, SculptPyraWeight = 169, SculptPlanWeight = 170, SculptingCycles = 171, SphereTransparency = 172, SphereColor = 173, SculptFieldMask = 174, SculptHbOverlap = 175, SculptHbOverlapBase = 176, LegacyVdwRadii = 177, SculptMemory = 178, ConnectMode = 179, CartoonCylindricalHelices = 180, CartoonHelixRadius = 181, ConnectCutoff = 182, SavePdbSs = 183, SculptLineWeight = 184, FitIterations = 185, FitTolerance = 186, BatchPrefix = 187, StereoMode = 188, CgoSphereQuality = 189, PdbLiteralNames = 190, WrapOutput = 191, FogStart = 192, State = 193, Frame = 194, RayShadow = 195, RibbonTraceAtoms = 196, Security = 197, StickTransparency = 198, RayTransparencyShadows = 199, SessionVersionCheck = 200, RayTransparencySpecular = 201, StereDoublePumpMono = 202, SphereSolvent = 203, MeshQuality = 204, MeshSolvent = 205, DotSolvent = 206, RayShadowFudge = 207, RayTriangleFudge = 208, DebugPick = 209, DotColor = 210, MouseLimit = 211, MouseScale = 212, TransparencyMode = 213, ClampColors = 214, PymolSpaceMaxRed = 215, PymolSpaceMaxGreen = 216, PymolSpaceMaxBlue = 217, PymolSpaceMinFactor = 218, RovingOrigin = 219, RovingLines = 220, RovingSticks = 221, RovingSpheres = 222, RovingLabels = 223, RovingDelay = 224, RovingSelection = 225, RovingByres = 226, RovingRibbon = 227, RovingCartoon = 228, RovingPolarContacts = 229, RovingPolarCutoff = 230, RovingNonbonded = 231, FloatLabels = 232, RovingDetail = 233, RovingNbSpheres = 234, RibbonColor = 235, CartoonColor = 236, RibbonSmooth = 237, AutoColor = 238, AutoColorNext = 239, RayInteriorColor = 240, CartoonHighlightColor = 241, CoulombUnitsFactor = 242, CoulombDielectric = 243, RayInteriorShadows = 244, RayInteriorTexture = 245, RovingMap1Name = 246, RovingMap2Name = 247, RovingMap3Name = 248, RovingMap1Level = 249, RovingMap2Level = 250, RovingMap3Level = 251, RovingIsomesh = 252, RovingIsosurface = 253, ScenesChanged = 254, GaussianBAdjust = 255, PdbStandardOrder = 256, CartoonSmoothFirst = 257, CartoonSmoothLast = 258, CartoonSmoothCycles = 259, CartoonFlatCycles = 260, MaxThreads = 261, ShowProgress = 262, UseDisplayLists = 263, CacheMemory = 264, SimplifyDisplayLists = 265, RetainOrder = 266, PdbHetatmSort = 267, PdbUseTerRecords = 268, CartoonTraceAtoms = 269, RayOversampleCutoff = 270, GaussianResolution = 271, GaussianBFloor = 272, SculptNbInterval = 273, SculptTorsWeight = 274, SculptTorsTolerance = 275, StickBall = 276, StickBallRatio = 277, StickFixedRadius = 278, CartoonTransparency = 279, DashRoundEnds = 280, HBondMaxAngle = 281, HBondCutoffCenter = 282, HBondCutoffEdge = 283, HBondPowerA = 284, HBondPowerB = 285, HBondCone = 286, SsHelixPsiTarget = 287, SsHelixPsiInclude = 288, SsHelixPsiExclude = 289, SsHelixPhiTarget = 290, SsHelixPhiInclude = 291, SsHelixPhiExclude = 292, SsStrandPsiTarget = 293, SsStrandPsiInclude = 294, SsStrandPsiExclude = 295, SsStrandPhiTarget = 296, SsStrandPhiInclude = 297, SsStrandPhiExclude = 298, MovieLoop = 299, PdbRetainIds = 300, PdbNoEndRecord = 301, CgoDotWidth = 302, CgoDotRadius = 303, DeferUpdates = 304, NormalizeOMaps = 305, SwapDsn6Bytes = 306, PdbInsertionsGoFirst = 307, RovingOriginZ = 308, RovingOriginZCushion = 309, SpecularIntensity = 310, OverlayLines = 311, RayTransparencySpecCut = 312, InternalPrompt = 313, NormalizeGrdMaps = 314, RayBlendColors = 315, RayBlendRed = 316, RayBlendGreen = 317, RayBlendBlue = 318, PngScreenGamma = 319, PngFileGamma = 320, EditorLabelFragments = 321, InternalGuiControlSize = 322, AutoDss = 323, TransparencyPickingMode = 324, VirtualTrackball = 325, PdbReformatNamesMode = 326, RayPixelScale = 327, LabelFontId = 328, PdbConectAll = 329, ButtonModeName = 330, SurfaceType = 331, DotNormals = 332, SessionMigration = 333, MeshNormals = 334, MeshType = 335, DotLighting = 336, MeshLighting = 337, SurfaceSolvent = 338, TriangleMaxPasses = 339, RayInteriorReflect = 340, InternalGuiMode = 341, SurfaceCarveSelection = 342, SurfaceCarveState = 343, SurfaceCarveCutoff = 344, SurfaceClearSelection = 345, SurfaceClearState = 346, SurfaceClearCutoff = 347, SurfaceTrimCutoff = 348, SurfaceTrimFactor = 349, RayMaxPasses = 350, ActiveSelections = 351, RayTransparencyContrast = 352, SeqView = 353, MouseSelectionMode = 354, SeqViewLabelSpacing = 355, SeqViewLabelStart = 356, SeqViewFormat = 357, SeqViewLocation = 358, SeqViewOverlay = 359, AutoClassifyAtoms = 360, CartoonNucleicAcidMode = 361, SeqViewColor = 362, SeqViewLabelMode = 363, SurfaceRampAboveMode = 364, Stereo = 365, WizardPromptMode = 366, CoulombCutoff = 367, SliceTrackCamera = 368, SliceHeightScale = 369, SliceHeightMap = 370, SliceGrid = 371, SliceDynamicGrid = 372, SliceDynamicGridResolution = 373, PdbInsureOrthogonal = 374, RayDirectShade = 375, StickColor = 376, CartoonPuttyRadius = 377, CartoonPuttyQuality = 378, CartoonPuttyScaleMin = 379, CartoonPuttyScaleMax = 380, CartoonPuttyScalePower = 381, CartoonPuttyRange = 382, CartoonSideChainHelper = 383, SurfaceOptimizeSubsets = 384, Multiplex = 385, TextureFonts = 386, PqrNoChainId = 387, Animation = 388, AnimationDuration = 389, SceneAnimation = 390, LineStickHelper = 391, RayOrthoscopic = 392, RibbonSideChainHelper = 393, SelectionWidthMax = 394, SelectionWidthScale = 395, SceneCurrentName = 396, Presentation = 397, PresentationMode = 398, PdbTruncateResidueName = 399, SceneLoop = 400, SweepMode = 401, SweepPhase = 402, SceneRestartMovieDelay = 403, MouseRestartMovieDelay = 404, AngleSize = 405, AngleLabelPosition = 406, DihedralSize = 407, DihedralLabelPosition = 408, DeferBuildsMode = 409, SeqViewDiscreteByState = 410, SceneAnimationDuration = 411, Wildcard = 412, AtomNameWildcard = 413, IgnoreCase = 414, PresentationAutoQuit = 415, EditorAutoDihedral = 416, PresentationAutoStart = 417, ValidateObjectNames = 418, UnusedBooleanDefTrue = 419, AutoShowSpheres = 420, SphereMode = 421, SpherePointMaxSize = 422, SpherePointSize = 423, PdbHonorModelNumber = 424, RankAssistedSorts = 425, RibbonNucleicAcidMode = 426, CartoonRingMode = 427, CartoonRingWidth = 428, CartoonRingColor = 429, CartoonRingFinder = 430, CartoonTubeCap = 431, CartoonLoopCap = 432, NvidiaBugs = 433, ImageDotsPerInch = 434, OpaqueBackground = 435, DrawFrames = 436, ShowAlphaChecker = 437, MatrixMode = 438, EditorAutoOrigin = 439, SessionFile = 440, CgoTransparency = 441, LegacyMouseZoom = 442, AutoNumberSelections = 443, SculptVdwVisMode = 444, SculptVdwVisMin = 445, SculptVdwVisMid = 446, SculptVdwVisMax = 447, CartoonLadderMode = 448, CartoonLadderRadius = 449, CartoonLadderColor = 450, CartoonNucleicAcidColor = 451, CartoonRingTransparency = 452, LabelSize = 453, SpecDirect = 454, LightCount = 455, Light2 = 456, Light3 = 457, HideUnderscoreNames = 458, SelectionRoundPoints = 459, DistanceExclusion = 460, HBondExclusion = 461, LabelShadowMode = 462, Light4 = 463, Light5 = 464, Light6 = 465, Light7 = 466, LabelOutlineColor = 467, RayTraceMode = 468, RayTraceGain = 469, SelectionVisibleOnly = 470, LabelPosition = 471, RayTraceDepthFactor = 472, RayTraceSlopeFactor = 473, RayTraceDiscoFactor = 474, RayShadowDecayFactor = 475, RayInteriorMode = 476, RayLegacyLighting = 477, SculptAutoCenter = 478, PdbDiscreteChains = 479, PdbUnbondCations = 480, SculptTriScale = 481, SculptTriWeight = 482, SculptTriMin = 483, SculptTriMax = 484, SculptTriMode = 485, PdbEchoTags = 486, ConnectBonded = 487, SpecDirectPower = 488, Light8 = 489, Light9 = 490, RayShadowDecayRange = 491, SpecCount = 492, SculptMinScale = 493, SculptMinWeight = 494, SculptMinMin = 495, SculptMinMax = 496, SculptMaxScale = 497, SculptMaxWeight = 498, SculptMaxMin = 499, SculptMaxMax = 500, SurfaceCircumscribe = 501, SculptAvdWeight = 502, SculptAvdGap = 503, SculptAvdRange = 504, SculptAvdExcl = 505, AsyncBuilds = 506, FetchPath = 507, CartoonRingRadius = 508, RayColorRamps = 509, RayHintCamera = 510, RayHintShadow = 511, StickValenceScale = 512, SeqViewAlignment = 513, SeqViewUnalignedMode = 514, SeqViewUnalignedColor = 515, SeqViewFillChar = 516, SeqViewFillColor = 517, SeqViewLabelColor = 518, SurfaceCarveNormalCutoff = 519, TraceAtomsMode = 520, SessionChanged = 521, RayClipShadows = 522, MouseWheelScale = 523, NonbondedTransparency = 524, RaySpecLocal = 525, LineColor = 526, RayLabelSpecular = 527, MeshSkip = 528, LabelDigits = 529, LabelDistanceDigits = 530, LabelAngleDigits = 531, LabelDihedralDigits = 532, SurfaceNegativeVisible = 533, SurfaceNegativeColor = 534, MeshNegativeVisible = 535, MeshNegativeColor = 536, GroupAutoMode = 537, GroupFullMemberNames = 538, GradientMaxLength = 539, GradientMinLength = 540, GradientMinSlope = 541, GradientNormalMinDot = 542, GradientStepSize = 543, GradientSpacing = 544, GradientSymmetry = 545, RayTraceColor = 546, GroupArrowPrefix = 547, SuppressHidden = 548, SessionCompression = 549, MovieFps = 550, RayTransparencyOblique = 551, RayTraceTransCutoff = 552, RayTracePersistCutoff = 553, RayTransparencyObliquePower = 554, RayScatter = 555, HBondFromProton = 556, AutoCopyImages = 557, MoeSeparateChains = 558, TransparencyGlobalSort = 559, HideLongBonds = 560, AutoRenameDuplicateObjects = 561, PdbHetatmGuessValences = 562, EllipsoidQuality = 563, CgoEllipsoidQuality = 564, MovieAnimateByFrame = 565, RampBlendNearbyColors = 566, AutoDeferBuilds = 567, EllipsoidProbability = 568, EllipsoidScale = 569, EllipsoidColor = 570, EllipsoidTransparency = 571, MovieRock = 572, CacheMode = 573, DashColor = 574, AngleColor = 575, DihedralColor = 576, GridMode = 577, CacheMax = 578, GridSlot = 579, GridMax = 580, CartoonPuttyTransform = 581, Rock = 582, ConeQuality = 583, PdbFormalCharges = 584, AtiBugs = 585, GeometryExportMode = 586, MouseGrid = 587, MeshCutoff = 588, MeshCarveSelection = 589, MeshCarveState = 590, MeshCarveCutoff = 591, MeshClearSelection = 592, MeshClearState = 593, MeshClearCutoff = 594, MeshGridMax = 595, SessionCacheOptimize = 596, SdofDragScale = 597, SceneButtonsMode = 598, SceneButtons = 599, MapAutoExpandSym = 600, ImageCopyAlways = 601, MaxUps = 602, AutoOverlay = 603, StickBallColor = 604, StickHScale = 605, SculptPyraInvWeight = 606, KeepAlive = 607, FitKabsch = 608, StereoDynamicStrength = 609, DynamicWidth = 610, DynamicWidthFactor = 611, DynamicWidthMin = 612, DynamicWidthMax = 613, DrawMode = 614, CleanElectroMode = 615, ValenceMode = 616, ShowFrameRate = 617, MoviePanel = 618, MouseZScale = 619, MovieAutoStore = 620, MovieAutoInterpolate = 621, MoviePanelRowHeight = 622, SceneFrameMode = 623, SurfaceCavityMode = 624, SurfaceCavityRadius = 625, SurfaceCavityCutoff = 626, MotionPower = 627, MotionBias = 628, MotionSimple = 629, MotionLinear = 630, MotionHand = 631, PdbIgnoreConect = 632, EditorBondCycleMode = 633, MovieQuality = 634, LabelAnchor = 635, FetchHost = 636, DynamicMeasures = 637, NeighborCutoff = 638, HeavyNeighborCutoff = 639, PolarNeighborCutoff = 640, SurfaceResidueCutoff = 641, SurfaceUseShader = 642, CartoonUseShader = 643, StickUseShader = 644, LineUseShader = 645, SphereUseShader = 646, UseShaders = 647, ShadersFromDisk = 648, VolumeBitDepth = 649, VolumeColor = 650, VolumeLayers = 651, VolumeDataRange = 652, AutoDeferAtomCount = 653, DefaultRefmacNames = 654, DefaultPhenixNames = 655, DefaultPhenixNoFillNames = 656, DefaultBusterNames = 657, DefaultFofcMapRep = 658, Default2fofcMapRep = 659, AtomTypeFormat = 660, AutocloseDialogs = 661, BgGradient = 662, BgRgbTop = 663, BgRgbBottom = 664, RayVolume = 665, RibbonTransparency = 666, StateCounterMode = 667, CgoUseShader = 668, CgoShaderUbColor = 669, CgoShaderUbNormal = 670, CgoLighting = 671, MeshUseShader = 672, StickDebug = 673, CgoDebug = 674, StickRoundNub = 675, StickGoodGeometry = 676, StickAsCylinders = 677, MeshAsCylinders = 678, LineAsCylinders = 679, RibbonAsCylinders = 680, RibbonUseShader = 681, ExclDisplayListsShaders = 682, DashUseShader = 683, DashAsCylinders = 684, NonbondedUseShader = 685, NonbondedAsCylinders = 686, CylindersShaderFilterFaces = 687, NbSpheresSize = 688, NbSpheresQuality = 689, NbSpheresUseShader = 690, RenderAsCylinders = 691, AlignmentAsCylinders = 692, CartoonNucleicAcidAsCylinders = 693, CgoShaderUbFlags = 694, AntialiasShader = 695, OffscreenRenderingMultiplier = 696, CylinderShaderFfWorkaround = 697, SurfaceColorSmoothing = 698, SurfaceColorSmoothingThreshold = 699, DotUseShader = 700, DotAsSheres = 701, AmbientOcclusionMode = 702, AmbientOcclusionScale = 703, AmbientOcclusionSmooth = 704, SmoothHalfBonds = 705, AnaglyphMode = 706, EditLight = 707, SuspendUndo = 708, SuspendUndoAtomCount = 709, SuspendDeferred = 710, PickSurface = 711, BgImageFilename = 712, BgImageMode = 713, BgImageTilesize = 714, BgImageLinear = 715, LoadObjectPropsDefault = 716, LoadAtomPropsDefault = 717, LabelPlacementOffset = 718, PdbConectNodup = 719, LabelConnector = 720, LabelConnectorMode = 721, LabelConnectorColor = 722, LabelConnectorWidth = 723, LabelConnectorExtLength = 724, LabelBgColor = 725, UseGeometryShaders = 726, LabelRelativeMode = 727, LabelScreenPoint = 728, LabelMultilineSpacing = 729, LabelMultilineJustification = 730, LabelPadding = 731, LabelBgTransparency = 732, LabelBgOutline = 733, RayLabelConnectorFlat = 734, DashTransparency = 735, PickLabels = 736, LabelZTarget = 737, SessionEmbedsData = 738, VolumeMode = 739, Trilines = 740, ColladaExportLighting = 741, ColladaGeometryMode = 742, PrecomputedLighting = 743, Chromadepth = 744, PseExportVersion = 745, CifUseAuth = 746, Assembly = 747, CifKeepinmemory = 748, PseBinaryDump = 749, CartoonGapCutoff = 750, IgnoreCaseChain = 751, ValenceZeroScale = 752, ValenceZeroMode = 753, AutoShowClassified = 754, ColladaBackgroundBox = 755, Pick32bit = 756, CartoonAllAlt = 757, DisplayScaleFactor = 758, PickShading = 759, FetchTypeDefault = 760, EditorAutoMeasure = 761, SurfaceSmoothEdges = 762, ChemCompCartnUse = 763, ColoredFeedback = 764, SdfWriteZeroOrderBonds = 765, CifMetalcAsZeroOrderBonds = 766, SeqViewGapMode = 767, InternalGuiNameColorMode = 768, OpenvrGuiFov = 769, OpenvrGuiAlpha = 770, OpenvrGuiUseAlpha = 771, OpenvrGuiSceneColor = 772, OpenvrGuiSceneAlpha = 773, OpenvrGuiBackColor = 774, OpenvrGuiBackAlpha = 775, OpenvrGuiUseBackdrop = 776, OpenvrGuiOverlay = 777, OpenvrGuiText = 778, OpenvrDisableClipping = 779, OpenvrNearPlane = 780, OpenvrFarPlane = 781, OpenvrCutLaser = 782, OpenvrLaserWidth = 783, OpenvrGuiDistance = 784, CartoonSmoothCylinderCycles = 785, CartoonSmoothCylinderWindow = 786, IsosurfaceAlgorithm = 787, CellCentered = 788, HalogenBondDistance = 789, HalogenBondAsDonorMinDonorAngle = 790, HalogenBondAsDonorMinAcceptorAngle = 791, HalogenBondAsAcceptorMinDonorAngle = 792, HalogenBondAsAcceptorMinAcceptorAngle = 793, HalogenBondAsAcceptorMaxAcceptorAngle = 794, SaltBridgeDistance = 795, UseTessellationShaders = 796, CellColor = 797,
Expand description

Global Pymol Settings

This enum is derived from SettingInfo.h, pymol’s setting specification



BondingVdwCutoff = 0


MinMeshSpacing = 1


DotDensity = 2


DotMode = 3


SolventRadius = 4


SelCounter = 5


BgRgb = 6


Ambient = 7


Direct = 8


Reflect = 9


Light = 10


Power = 11


Antialias = 12


CavityCull = 13


GlAmbient = 14


SingleImage = 15


MovieDelay = 16


RibbonPower = 17


RibbonPowerB = 18


RibbonSampling = 19


RibbonRadius = 20


StickRadius = 21


HashMax = 22


Orthoscopic = 23


SpecReflect = 24


SpecPower = 25


SweepAngle = 26


SweepSpeed = 27


DotHydrogens = 28


DotRadius = 29


RayTraceFrames = 30


CacheFrames = 31


TrimDots = 32


CullSpheres = 33


Test1 = 34


Test2 = 35


SurfaceBest = 36


SurfaceNormal = 37


SurfaceQuality = 38


SurfaceProximity = 39


NormalWorkaround = 40


StereoAngle = 41


StereoShift = 42


LineSmooth = 43


LineWidth = 44


HalfBonds = 45


StickQuality = 46


StickOverlap = 47


StickNub = 48


AllStates = 49


Pickable = 50


AutoShowLines = 51


IdleDelay = 52


NoIdle = 53


FastIdle = 54


SlowIdle = 55


RockDelay = 56


DistCounter = 57


DashLength = 58


DashGap = 59


AutoZoom = 60


Overlay = 61


Text = 62


ButtonMode = 63


Valence = 64


NonbondedSize = 65


LabelColor = 66


RayTraceFog = 67


SpheroidScale = 68


RayTraceFogStart = 69


SpheroidSmooth = 70


SpheroidFill = 71


AutoShowNonbonded = 72


CacheDisplay = 73


MeshRadius = 74


BackfaceCull = 75


Gamma = 76


DotWidth = 77


AutoShowSelections = 78


AutoHideSelections = 79


SelectionWidth = 80


SelectionOverlay = 81


StaticSingletons = 82


DepthCue = 84


Specular = 85


Shininess = 86


SphereQuality = 87


Fog = 88


IsomeshAutoState = 89


MeshWidth = 90


CartoonSampling = 91


CartoonLoopRadius = 92


CartoonLoopQuality = 93


CartoonPower = 94


CartoonPowerB = 95


CartoonRectLength = 96


CartoonRectWidth = 97


InternalGuiWidth = 98


InternalGui = 99


CartoonOvalLength = 100


CartoonOvalWidth = 101


CartoonOvalQuality = 102


CartoonTubeRadius = 103


CartoonTubeQuality = 104


CartoonDebug = 105


RibbonWidth = 106


DashWidth = 107


DashRadius = 108


CgoRayWidthScale = 109


LineRadius = 110


CartoonRoundHelices = 111


CartoonRefineNormals = 112


CartoonFlatSheets = 113


CartoonSmoothLoops = 114


CartoonDumbbellLength = 115


CartoonDumbbellWidth = 116


CartoonDumbbellRadius = 117


CartoonFancyHelices = 118


CartoonFancySheets = 119


IgnorePdbSegi = 120


RibbonThrow = 121


CartoonThrow = 122


CartoonRefine = 123


CartoonRefineTips = 124


CartoonDiscreteColors = 125


NormalizeCcp4Maps = 126


SurfacePoor = 127


InternalFeedback = 128


CgoLineWidth = 129


CgoLineRadius = 130


Logging = 131


RobustLogs = 132


LogBoxSelections = 133


LogConformations = 134


ValenceSize = 135


SurfaceMiserable = 136


RayOpaqueBackground = 137


Transparency = 138


RayTexture = 139


RayTextureSettings = 140


SuspendUpdates = 141


FullScreen = 142


SurfaceMode = 143


SurfaceColor = 144


MeshMode = 145


MeshColor = 146


AutoIndicateFlags = 147


SurfaceDebug = 148


RayImproveShadows = 149


SmoothColorTriangle = 150


RayDefaultRenderer = 151


FieldOfView = 152


ReflectPower = 153


PreserveChempyIds = 154


SphereScale = 155


TwoSidedLighting = 156


SecondaryStructure = 157


AutoRemoveHydrogens = 158


RaiseExceptions = 159


StopOnExceptions = 160


Sculpting = 161


AutoSculpt = 162


SculptVdwScale = 163


SculptVdwScale14 = 164


SculptVdwWeight = 165


SculptVdwWeight14 = 166


SculptBondWeight = 167


SculptAnglWeight = 168


SculptPyraWeight = 169


SculptPlanWeight = 170


SculptingCycles = 171


SphereTransparency = 172


SphereColor = 173


SculptFieldMask = 174


SculptHbOverlap = 175


SculptHbOverlapBase = 176


LegacyVdwRadii = 177


SculptMemory = 178


ConnectMode = 179


CartoonCylindricalHelices = 180


CartoonHelixRadius = 181


ConnectCutoff = 182


SavePdbSs = 183


SculptLineWeight = 184


FitIterations = 185


FitTolerance = 186


BatchPrefix = 187


StereoMode = 188


CgoSphereQuality = 189


PdbLiteralNames = 190


WrapOutput = 191


FogStart = 192


State = 193


Frame = 194


RayShadow = 195


RibbonTraceAtoms = 196


Security = 197


StickTransparency = 198


RayTransparencyShadows = 199


SessionVersionCheck = 200


RayTransparencySpecular = 201


StereDoublePumpMono = 202


SphereSolvent = 203


MeshQuality = 204


MeshSolvent = 205


DotSolvent = 206


RayShadowFudge = 207


RayTriangleFudge = 208


DebugPick = 209


DotColor = 210


MouseLimit = 211


MouseScale = 212


TransparencyMode = 213


ClampColors = 214


PymolSpaceMaxRed = 215


PymolSpaceMaxGreen = 216


PymolSpaceMaxBlue = 217


PymolSpaceMinFactor = 218


RovingOrigin = 219


RovingLines = 220


RovingSticks = 221


RovingSpheres = 222


RovingLabels = 223


RovingDelay = 224


RovingSelection = 225


RovingByres = 226


RovingRibbon = 227


RovingCartoon = 228


RovingPolarContacts = 229


RovingPolarCutoff = 230


RovingNonbonded = 231


FloatLabels = 232


RovingDetail = 233


RovingNbSpheres = 234


RibbonColor = 235


CartoonColor = 236


RibbonSmooth = 237


AutoColor = 238


AutoColorNext = 239


RayInteriorColor = 240


CartoonHighlightColor = 241


CoulombUnitsFactor = 242


CoulombDielectric = 243


RayInteriorShadows = 244


RayInteriorTexture = 245


RovingMap1Name = 246


RovingMap2Name = 247


RovingMap3Name = 248


RovingMap1Level = 249


RovingMap2Level = 250


RovingMap3Level = 251


RovingIsomesh = 252


RovingIsosurface = 253


ScenesChanged = 254


GaussianBAdjust = 255


PdbStandardOrder = 256


CartoonSmoothFirst = 257


CartoonSmoothLast = 258


CartoonSmoothCycles = 259


CartoonFlatCycles = 260


MaxThreads = 261


ShowProgress = 262


UseDisplayLists = 263


CacheMemory = 264


SimplifyDisplayLists = 265


RetainOrder = 266


PdbHetatmSort = 267


PdbUseTerRecords = 268


CartoonTraceAtoms = 269


RayOversampleCutoff = 270


GaussianResolution = 271


GaussianBFloor = 272


SculptNbInterval = 273


SculptTorsWeight = 274


SculptTorsTolerance = 275


StickBall = 276


StickBallRatio = 277


StickFixedRadius = 278


CartoonTransparency = 279


DashRoundEnds = 280


HBondMaxAngle = 281


HBondCutoffCenter = 282


HBondCutoffEdge = 283


HBondPowerA = 284


HBondPowerB = 285


HBondCone = 286


SsHelixPsiTarget = 287


SsHelixPsiInclude = 288


SsHelixPsiExclude = 289


SsHelixPhiTarget = 290


SsHelixPhiInclude = 291


SsHelixPhiExclude = 292


SsStrandPsiTarget = 293


SsStrandPsiInclude = 294


SsStrandPsiExclude = 295


SsStrandPhiTarget = 296


SsStrandPhiInclude = 297


SsStrandPhiExclude = 298


MovieLoop = 299


PdbRetainIds = 300


PdbNoEndRecord = 301


CgoDotWidth = 302


CgoDotRadius = 303


DeferUpdates = 304


NormalizeOMaps = 305


SwapDsn6Bytes = 306


PdbInsertionsGoFirst = 307


RovingOriginZ = 308


RovingOriginZCushion = 309


SpecularIntensity = 310


OverlayLines = 311


RayTransparencySpecCut = 312


InternalPrompt = 313


NormalizeGrdMaps = 314


RayBlendColors = 315


RayBlendRed = 316


RayBlendGreen = 317


RayBlendBlue = 318


PngScreenGamma = 319


PngFileGamma = 320


EditorLabelFragments = 321


InternalGuiControlSize = 322


AutoDss = 323


TransparencyPickingMode = 324


VirtualTrackball = 325


PdbReformatNamesMode = 326


RayPixelScale = 327


LabelFontId = 328


PdbConectAll = 329


ButtonModeName = 330


SurfaceType = 331


DotNormals = 332


SessionMigration = 333


MeshNormals = 334


MeshType = 335


DotLighting = 336


MeshLighting = 337


SurfaceSolvent = 338


TriangleMaxPasses = 339


RayInteriorReflect = 340


InternalGuiMode = 341


SurfaceCarveSelection = 342


SurfaceCarveState = 343


SurfaceCarveCutoff = 344


SurfaceClearSelection = 345


SurfaceClearState = 346


SurfaceClearCutoff = 347


SurfaceTrimCutoff = 348


SurfaceTrimFactor = 349


RayMaxPasses = 350


ActiveSelections = 351


RayTransparencyContrast = 352


SeqView = 353


MouseSelectionMode = 354


SeqViewLabelSpacing = 355


SeqViewLabelStart = 356


SeqViewFormat = 357


SeqViewLocation = 358


SeqViewOverlay = 359


AutoClassifyAtoms = 360


CartoonNucleicAcidMode = 361


SeqViewColor = 362


SeqViewLabelMode = 363


SurfaceRampAboveMode = 364


Stereo = 365


WizardPromptMode = 366


CoulombCutoff = 367


SliceTrackCamera = 368


SliceHeightScale = 369


SliceHeightMap = 370


SliceGrid = 371


SliceDynamicGrid = 372


SliceDynamicGridResolution = 373


PdbInsureOrthogonal = 374


RayDirectShade = 375


StickColor = 376


CartoonPuttyRadius = 377


CartoonPuttyQuality = 378


CartoonPuttyScaleMin = 379


CartoonPuttyScaleMax = 380


CartoonPuttyScalePower = 381


CartoonPuttyRange = 382


CartoonSideChainHelper = 383


SurfaceOptimizeSubsets = 384


Multiplex = 385


TextureFonts = 386


PqrNoChainId = 387


Animation = 388


AnimationDuration = 389


SceneAnimation = 390


LineStickHelper = 391


RayOrthoscopic = 392


RibbonSideChainHelper = 393


SelectionWidthMax = 394


SelectionWidthScale = 395


SceneCurrentName = 396


Presentation = 397


PresentationMode = 398


PdbTruncateResidueName = 399


SceneLoop = 400


SweepMode = 401


SweepPhase = 402


SceneRestartMovieDelay = 403


MouseRestartMovieDelay = 404


AngleSize = 405


AngleLabelPosition = 406


DihedralSize = 407


DihedralLabelPosition = 408


DeferBuildsMode = 409


SeqViewDiscreteByState = 410


SceneAnimationDuration = 411


Wildcard = 412


AtomNameWildcard = 413


IgnoreCase = 414


PresentationAutoQuit = 415


EditorAutoDihedral = 416


PresentationAutoStart = 417


ValidateObjectNames = 418


UnusedBooleanDefTrue = 419


AutoShowSpheres = 420


SphereMode = 421


SpherePointMaxSize = 422


SpherePointSize = 423


PdbHonorModelNumber = 424


RankAssistedSorts = 425


RibbonNucleicAcidMode = 426


CartoonRingMode = 427


CartoonRingWidth = 428


CartoonRingColor = 429


CartoonRingFinder = 430


CartoonTubeCap = 431


CartoonLoopCap = 432


NvidiaBugs = 433


ImageDotsPerInch = 434


OpaqueBackground = 435


DrawFrames = 436


ShowAlphaChecker = 437


MatrixMode = 438


EditorAutoOrigin = 439


SessionFile = 440


CgoTransparency = 441


LegacyMouseZoom = 442


AutoNumberSelections = 443


SculptVdwVisMode = 444


SculptVdwVisMin = 445


SculptVdwVisMid = 446


SculptVdwVisMax = 447


CartoonLadderMode = 448


CartoonLadderRadius = 449


CartoonLadderColor = 450


CartoonNucleicAcidColor = 451


CartoonRingTransparency = 452


LabelSize = 453


SpecDirect = 454


LightCount = 455


Light2 = 456


Light3 = 457


HideUnderscoreNames = 458


SelectionRoundPoints = 459


DistanceExclusion = 460


HBondExclusion = 461


LabelShadowMode = 462


Light4 = 463


Light5 = 464


Light6 = 465


Light7 = 466


LabelOutlineColor = 467


RayTraceMode = 468


RayTraceGain = 469


SelectionVisibleOnly = 470


LabelPosition = 471


RayTraceDepthFactor = 472


RayTraceSlopeFactor = 473


RayTraceDiscoFactor = 474


RayShadowDecayFactor = 475


RayInteriorMode = 476


RayLegacyLighting = 477


SculptAutoCenter = 478


PdbDiscreteChains = 479


PdbUnbondCations = 480


SculptTriScale = 481


SculptTriWeight = 482


SculptTriMin = 483


SculptTriMax = 484


SculptTriMode = 485


PdbEchoTags = 486


ConnectBonded = 487


SpecDirectPower = 488


Light8 = 489


Light9 = 490


RayShadowDecayRange = 491


SpecCount = 492


SculptMinScale = 493


SculptMinWeight = 494


SculptMinMin = 495


SculptMinMax = 496


SculptMaxScale = 497


SculptMaxWeight = 498


SculptMaxMin = 499


SculptMaxMax = 500


SurfaceCircumscribe = 501


SculptAvdWeight = 502


SculptAvdGap = 503


SculptAvdRange = 504


SculptAvdExcl = 505


AsyncBuilds = 506


FetchPath = 507


CartoonRingRadius = 508


RayColorRamps = 509


RayHintCamera = 510


RayHintShadow = 511


StickValenceScale = 512


SeqViewAlignment = 513


SeqViewUnalignedMode = 514


SeqViewUnalignedColor = 515


SeqViewFillChar = 516


SeqViewFillColor = 517


SeqViewLabelColor = 518


SurfaceCarveNormalCutoff = 519


TraceAtomsMode = 520


SessionChanged = 521


RayClipShadows = 522


MouseWheelScale = 523


NonbondedTransparency = 524


RaySpecLocal = 525


LineColor = 526


RayLabelSpecular = 527


MeshSkip = 528


LabelDigits = 529


LabelDistanceDigits = 530


LabelAngleDigits = 531


LabelDihedralDigits = 532


SurfaceNegativeVisible = 533


SurfaceNegativeColor = 534


MeshNegativeVisible = 535


MeshNegativeColor = 536


GroupAutoMode = 537


GroupFullMemberNames = 538


GradientMaxLength = 539


GradientMinLength = 540


GradientMinSlope = 541


GradientNormalMinDot = 542


GradientStepSize = 543


GradientSpacing = 544


GradientSymmetry = 545


RayTraceColor = 546


GroupArrowPrefix = 547


SuppressHidden = 548


SessionCompression = 549


MovieFps = 550


RayTransparencyOblique = 551


RayTraceTransCutoff = 552


RayTracePersistCutoff = 553


RayTransparencyObliquePower = 554


RayScatter = 555


HBondFromProton = 556


AutoCopyImages = 557


MoeSeparateChains = 558


TransparencyGlobalSort = 559


HideLongBonds = 560


AutoRenameDuplicateObjects = 561


PdbHetatmGuessValences = 562


EllipsoidQuality = 563


CgoEllipsoidQuality = 564


MovieAnimateByFrame = 565


RampBlendNearbyColors = 566


AutoDeferBuilds = 567


EllipsoidProbability = 568


EllipsoidScale = 569


EllipsoidColor = 570


EllipsoidTransparency = 571


MovieRock = 572


CacheMode = 573


DashColor = 574


AngleColor = 575


DihedralColor = 576


GridMode = 577


CacheMax = 578


GridSlot = 579


GridMax = 580


CartoonPuttyTransform = 581


Rock = 582


ConeQuality = 583


PdbFormalCharges = 584


AtiBugs = 585


GeometryExportMode = 586


MouseGrid = 587


MeshCutoff = 588


MeshCarveSelection = 589


MeshCarveState = 590


MeshCarveCutoff = 591


MeshClearSelection = 592


MeshClearState = 593


MeshClearCutoff = 594


MeshGridMax = 595


SessionCacheOptimize = 596


SdofDragScale = 597


SceneButtonsMode = 598


SceneButtons = 599


MapAutoExpandSym = 600


ImageCopyAlways = 601


MaxUps = 602


AutoOverlay = 603


StickBallColor = 604


StickHScale = 605


SculptPyraInvWeight = 606


KeepAlive = 607


FitKabsch = 608


StereoDynamicStrength = 609


DynamicWidth = 610


DynamicWidthFactor = 611


DynamicWidthMin = 612


DynamicWidthMax = 613


DrawMode = 614


CleanElectroMode = 615


ValenceMode = 616


ShowFrameRate = 617


MoviePanel = 618


MouseZScale = 619


MovieAutoStore = 620


MovieAutoInterpolate = 621


MoviePanelRowHeight = 622


SceneFrameMode = 623


SurfaceCavityMode = 624


SurfaceCavityRadius = 625


SurfaceCavityCutoff = 626


MotionPower = 627


MotionBias = 628


MotionSimple = 629


MotionLinear = 630


MotionHand = 631


PdbIgnoreConect = 632


EditorBondCycleMode = 633


MovieQuality = 634


LabelAnchor = 635


FetchHost = 636


DynamicMeasures = 637


NeighborCutoff = 638


HeavyNeighborCutoff = 639


PolarNeighborCutoff = 640


SurfaceResidueCutoff = 641


SurfaceUseShader = 642


CartoonUseShader = 643


StickUseShader = 644


LineUseShader = 645


SphereUseShader = 646


UseShaders = 647


ShadersFromDisk = 648


VolumeBitDepth = 649


VolumeColor = 650


VolumeLayers = 651


VolumeDataRange = 652


AutoDeferAtomCount = 653


DefaultRefmacNames = 654


DefaultPhenixNames = 655


DefaultPhenixNoFillNames = 656


DefaultBusterNames = 657


DefaultFofcMapRep = 658


Default2fofcMapRep = 659


AtomTypeFormat = 660


AutocloseDialogs = 661


BgGradient = 662


BgRgbTop = 663


BgRgbBottom = 664


RayVolume = 665


RibbonTransparency = 666


StateCounterMode = 667


CgoUseShader = 668


CgoShaderUbColor = 669


CgoShaderUbNormal = 670


CgoLighting = 671


MeshUseShader = 672


StickDebug = 673


CgoDebug = 674


StickRoundNub = 675


StickGoodGeometry = 676


StickAsCylinders = 677


MeshAsCylinders = 678


LineAsCylinders = 679


RibbonAsCylinders = 680


RibbonUseShader = 681


ExclDisplayListsShaders = 682


DashUseShader = 683


DashAsCylinders = 684


NonbondedUseShader = 685


NonbondedAsCylinders = 686


CylindersShaderFilterFaces = 687


NbSpheresSize = 688


NbSpheresQuality = 689


NbSpheresUseShader = 690


RenderAsCylinders = 691


AlignmentAsCylinders = 692


CartoonNucleicAcidAsCylinders = 693


CgoShaderUbFlags = 694


AntialiasShader = 695


OffscreenRenderingMultiplier = 696


CylinderShaderFfWorkaround = 697


SurfaceColorSmoothing = 698


SurfaceColorSmoothingThreshold = 699


DotUseShader = 700


DotAsSheres = 701


AmbientOcclusionMode = 702


AmbientOcclusionScale = 703


AmbientOcclusionSmooth = 704


SmoothHalfBonds = 705


AnaglyphMode = 706


EditLight = 707


SuspendUndo = 708


SuspendUndoAtomCount = 709


SuspendDeferred = 710


PickSurface = 711


BgImageFilename = 712


BgImageMode = 713


BgImageTilesize = 714


BgImageLinear = 715


LoadObjectPropsDefault = 716


LoadAtomPropsDefault = 717


LabelPlacementOffset = 718


PdbConectNodup = 719


LabelConnector = 720


LabelConnectorMode = 721


LabelConnectorColor = 722


LabelConnectorWidth = 723


LabelConnectorExtLength = 724


LabelBgColor = 725


UseGeometryShaders = 726


LabelRelativeMode = 727


LabelScreenPoint = 728


LabelMultilineSpacing = 729


LabelMultilineJustification = 730


LabelPadding = 731


LabelBgTransparency = 732


LabelBgOutline = 733


RayLabelConnectorFlat = 734


DashTransparency = 735


PickLabels = 736


LabelZTarget = 737


SessionEmbedsData = 738


VolumeMode = 739


Trilines = 740


ColladaExportLighting = 741


ColladaGeometryMode = 742


PrecomputedLighting = 743


Chromadepth = 744


PseExportVersion = 745


CifUseAuth = 746


Assembly = 747


CifKeepinmemory = 748


PseBinaryDump = 749


CartoonGapCutoff = 750


IgnoreCaseChain = 751


ValenceZeroScale = 752


ValenceZeroMode = 753


AutoShowClassified = 754


ColladaBackgroundBox = 755


Pick32bit = 756


CartoonAllAlt = 757


DisplayScaleFactor = 758


PickShading = 759


FetchTypeDefault = 760


EditorAutoMeasure = 761


SurfaceSmoothEdges = 762


ChemCompCartnUse = 763


ColoredFeedback = 764


SdfWriteZeroOrderBonds = 765


CifMetalcAsZeroOrderBonds = 766


SeqViewGapMode = 767


InternalGuiNameColorMode = 768


OpenvrGuiFov = 769


OpenvrGuiAlpha = 770


OpenvrGuiUseAlpha = 771


OpenvrGuiSceneColor = 772


OpenvrGuiSceneAlpha = 773


OpenvrGuiBackColor = 774


OpenvrGuiBackAlpha = 775


OpenvrGuiUseBackdrop = 776


OpenvrGuiOverlay = 777


OpenvrGuiText = 778


OpenvrDisableClipping = 779


OpenvrNearPlane = 780


OpenvrFarPlane = 781


OpenvrCutLaser = 782


OpenvrLaserWidth = 783


OpenvrGuiDistance = 784


CartoonSmoothCylinderCycles = 785


CartoonSmoothCylinderWindow = 786


IsosurfaceAlgorithm = 787


CellCentered = 788


HalogenBondDistance = 789


HalogenBondAsDonorMinDonorAngle = 790


HalogenBondAsDonorMinAcceptorAngle = 791


HalogenBondAsAcceptorMinDonorAngle = 792


HalogenBondAsAcceptorMinAcceptorAngle = 793


HalogenBondAsAcceptorMaxAcceptorAngle = 794


SaltBridgeDistance = 795


UseTessellationShaders = 796


CellColor = 797

Trait Implementations§


impl Clone for SettingsEnum


fn clone(&self) -> SettingsEnum

Returns a copy of the value. Read more
1.0.0 · source§

fn clone_from(&mut self, source: &Self)

Performs copy-assignment from source. Read more

impl Debug for SettingsEnum


fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result

Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more

impl<'de> Deserialize<'de> for SettingsEnum


fn deserialize<D>(deserializer: D) -> Result<Self, D::Error>
where D: Deserializer<'de>,

Deserialize this value from the given Serde deserializer. Read more

impl PartialEq for SettingsEnum


fn eq(&self, other: &SettingsEnum) -> bool

Tests for self and other values to be equal, and is used by ==.
1.0.0 · source§

fn ne(&self, other: &Rhs) -> bool

Tests for !=. The default implementation is almost always sufficient, and should not be overridden without very good reason.

impl Serialize for SettingsEnum


fn serialize<S>(&self, serializer: S) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error>
where S: Serializer,

Serialize this value into the given Serde serializer. Read more

impl StructuralPartialEq for SettingsEnum

Auto Trait Implementations§

Blanket Implementations§


impl<T> Any for T
where T: 'static + ?Sized,


fn type_id(&self) -> TypeId

Gets the TypeId of self. Read more

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow(&self) -> &T

Immutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T

Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> CloneToUninit for T
where T: Clone,


unsafe fn clone_to_uninit(&self, dst: *mut T)

🔬This is a nightly-only experimental API. (clone_to_uninit)
Performs copy-assignment from self to dst. Read more

impl<T> From<T> for T


fn from(t: T) -> T

Returns the argument unchanged.


impl<T, U> Into<U> for T
where U: From<T>,


fn into(self) -> U

Calls U::from(self).

That is, this conversion is whatever the implementation of From<T> for U chooses to do.


impl<T> IntoEither for T


fn into_either(self, into_left: bool) -> Either<Self, Self>

Converts self into a Left variant of Either<Self, Self> if into_left is true. Converts self into a Right variant of Either<Self, Self> otherwise. Read more

fn into_either_with<F>(self, into_left: F) -> Either<Self, Self>
where F: FnOnce(&Self) -> bool,

Converts self into a Left variant of Either<Self, Self> if into_left(&self) returns true. Converts self into a Right variant of Either<Self, Self> otherwise. Read more

impl<T> Pointable for T


const ALIGN: usize = _

The alignment of pointer.

type Init = T

The type for initializers.

unsafe fn init(init: <T as Pointable>::Init) -> usize

Initializes a with the given initializer. Read more

unsafe fn deref<'a>(ptr: usize) -> &'a T

Dereferences the given pointer. Read more

unsafe fn deref_mut<'a>(ptr: usize) -> &'a mut T

Mutably dereferences the given pointer. Read more

unsafe fn drop(ptr: usize)

Drops the object pointed to by the given pointer. Read more

impl<T> ToOwned for T
where T: Clone,


type Owned = T

The resulting type after obtaining ownership.

fn to_owned(&self) -> T

Creates owned data from borrowed data, usually by cloning. Read more

fn clone_into(&self, target: &mut T)

Uses borrowed data to replace owned data, usually by cloning. Read more

impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T
where U: Into<T>,


type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_from(value: U) -> Result<T, <T as TryFrom<U>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T
where U: TryFrom<T>,


type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_into(self) -> Result<U, <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.

impl<V, T> VZip<V> for T
where V: MultiLane<T>,


fn vzip(self) -> V


impl<T> DeserializeOwned for T
where T: for<'de> Deserialize<'de>,


impl<T> ErasedDestructor for T
where T: 'static,


impl<T> MaybeSendSync for T