#[repr(u32)]pub enum SettingsEnum {
Show 797 variants
BondingVdwCutoff = 0,
MinMeshSpacing = 1,
DotDensity = 2,
DotMode = 3,
SolventRadius = 4,
SelCounter = 5,
BgRgb = 6,
Ambient = 7,
Direct = 8,
Reflect = 9,
Light = 10,
Power = 11,
Antialias = 12,
CavityCull = 13,
GlAmbient = 14,
SingleImage = 15,
MovieDelay = 16,
RibbonPower = 17,
RibbonPowerB = 18,
RibbonSampling = 19,
RibbonRadius = 20,
StickRadius = 21,
HashMax = 22,
Orthoscopic = 23,
SpecReflect = 24,
SpecPower = 25,
SweepAngle = 26,
SweepSpeed = 27,
DotHydrogens = 28,
DotRadius = 29,
RayTraceFrames = 30,
CacheFrames = 31,
TrimDots = 32,
CullSpheres = 33,
Test1 = 34,
Test2 = 35,
SurfaceBest = 36,
SurfaceNormal = 37,
SurfaceQuality = 38,
SurfaceProximity = 39,
NormalWorkaround = 40,
StereoAngle = 41,
StereoShift = 42,
LineSmooth = 43,
LineWidth = 44,
HalfBonds = 45,
StickQuality = 46,
StickOverlap = 47,
StickNub = 48,
AllStates = 49,
Pickable = 50,
AutoShowLines = 51,
IdleDelay = 52,
NoIdle = 53,
FastIdle = 54,
SlowIdle = 55,
RockDelay = 56,
DistCounter = 57,
DashLength = 58,
DashGap = 59,
AutoZoom = 60,
Overlay = 61,
Text = 62,
ButtonMode = 63,
Valence = 64,
NonbondedSize = 65,
LabelColor = 66,
RayTraceFog = 67,
SpheroidScale = 68,
RayTraceFogStart = 69,
SpheroidSmooth = 70,
SpheroidFill = 71,
AutoShowNonbonded = 72,
CacheDisplay = 73,
MeshRadius = 74,
BackfaceCull = 75,
Gamma = 76,
DotWidth = 77,
AutoShowSelections = 78,
AutoHideSelections = 79,
SelectionWidth = 80,
SelectionOverlay = 81,
StaticSingletons = 82,
DepthCue = 84,
Specular = 85,
Shininess = 86,
SphereQuality = 87,
Fog = 88,
IsomeshAutoState = 89,
MeshWidth = 90,
CartoonSampling = 91,
CartoonLoopRadius = 92,
CartoonLoopQuality = 93,
CartoonPower = 94,
CartoonPowerB = 95,
CartoonRectLength = 96,
CartoonRectWidth = 97,
InternalGuiWidth = 98,
InternalGui = 99,
CartoonOvalLength = 100,
CartoonOvalWidth = 101,
CartoonOvalQuality = 102,
CartoonTubeRadius = 103,
CartoonTubeQuality = 104,
CartoonDebug = 105,
RibbonWidth = 106,
DashWidth = 107,
DashRadius = 108,
CgoRayWidthScale = 109,
LineRadius = 110,
CartoonRoundHelices = 111,
CartoonRefineNormals = 112,
CartoonFlatSheets = 113,
CartoonSmoothLoops = 114,
CartoonDumbbellLength = 115,
CartoonDumbbellWidth = 116,
CartoonDumbbellRadius = 117,
CartoonFancyHelices = 118,
CartoonFancySheets = 119,
IgnorePdbSegi = 120,
RibbonThrow = 121,
CartoonThrow = 122,
CartoonRefine = 123,
CartoonRefineTips = 124,
CartoonDiscreteColors = 125,
NormalizeCcp4Maps = 126,
SurfacePoor = 127,
InternalFeedback = 128,
CgoLineWidth = 129,
CgoLineRadius = 130,
Logging = 131,
RobustLogs = 132,
LogBoxSelections = 133,
LogConformations = 134,
ValenceSize = 135,
SurfaceMiserable = 136,
RayOpaqueBackground = 137,
Transparency = 138,
RayTexture = 139,
RayTextureSettings = 140,
SuspendUpdates = 141,
FullScreen = 142,
SurfaceMode = 143,
SurfaceColor = 144,
MeshMode = 145,
MeshColor = 146,
AutoIndicateFlags = 147,
SurfaceDebug = 148,
RayImproveShadows = 149,
SmoothColorTriangle = 150,
RayDefaultRenderer = 151,
FieldOfView = 152,
ReflectPower = 153,
PreserveChempyIds = 154,
SphereScale = 155,
TwoSidedLighting = 156,
SecondaryStructure = 157,
AutoRemoveHydrogens = 158,
RaiseExceptions = 159,
StopOnExceptions = 160,
Sculpting = 161,
AutoSculpt = 162,
SculptVdwScale = 163,
SculptVdwScale14 = 164,
SculptVdwWeight = 165,
SculptVdwWeight14 = 166,
SculptBondWeight = 167,
SculptAnglWeight = 168,
SculptPyraWeight = 169,
SculptPlanWeight = 170,
SculptingCycles = 171,
SphereTransparency = 172,
SphereColor = 173,
SculptFieldMask = 174,
SculptHbOverlap = 175,
SculptHbOverlapBase = 176,
LegacyVdwRadii = 177,
SculptMemory = 178,
ConnectMode = 179,
CartoonCylindricalHelices = 180,
CartoonHelixRadius = 181,
ConnectCutoff = 182,
SavePdbSs = 183,
SculptLineWeight = 184,
FitIterations = 185,
FitTolerance = 186,
BatchPrefix = 187,
StereoMode = 188,
CgoSphereQuality = 189,
PdbLiteralNames = 190,
WrapOutput = 191,
FogStart = 192,
State = 193,
Frame = 194,
RayShadow = 195,
RibbonTraceAtoms = 196,
Security = 197,
StickTransparency = 198,
RayTransparencyShadows = 199,
SessionVersionCheck = 200,
RayTransparencySpecular = 201,
StereDoublePumpMono = 202,
SphereSolvent = 203,
MeshQuality = 204,
MeshSolvent = 205,
DotSolvent = 206,
RayShadowFudge = 207,
RayTriangleFudge = 208,
DebugPick = 209,
DotColor = 210,
MouseLimit = 211,
MouseScale = 212,
TransparencyMode = 213,
ClampColors = 214,
PymolSpaceMaxRed = 215,
PymolSpaceMaxGreen = 216,
PymolSpaceMaxBlue = 217,
PymolSpaceMinFactor = 218,
RovingOrigin = 219,
RovingLines = 220,
RovingSticks = 221,
RovingSpheres = 222,
RovingLabels = 223,
RovingDelay = 224,
RovingSelection = 225,
RovingByres = 226,
RovingRibbon = 227,
RovingCartoon = 228,
RovingPolarContacts = 229,
RovingPolarCutoff = 230,
RovingNonbonded = 231,
FloatLabels = 232,
RovingDetail = 233,
RovingNbSpheres = 234,
RibbonColor = 235,
CartoonColor = 236,
RibbonSmooth = 237,
AutoColor = 238,
AutoColorNext = 239,
RayInteriorColor = 240,
CartoonHighlightColor = 241,
CoulombUnitsFactor = 242,
CoulombDielectric = 243,
RayInteriorShadows = 244,
RayInteriorTexture = 245,
RovingMap1Name = 246,
RovingMap2Name = 247,
RovingMap3Name = 248,
RovingMap1Level = 249,
RovingMap2Level = 250,
RovingMap3Level = 251,
RovingIsomesh = 252,
RovingIsosurface = 253,
ScenesChanged = 254,
GaussianBAdjust = 255,
PdbStandardOrder = 256,
CartoonSmoothFirst = 257,
CartoonSmoothLast = 258,
CartoonSmoothCycles = 259,
CartoonFlatCycles = 260,
MaxThreads = 261,
ShowProgress = 262,
UseDisplayLists = 263,
CacheMemory = 264,
SimplifyDisplayLists = 265,
RetainOrder = 266,
PdbHetatmSort = 267,
PdbUseTerRecords = 268,
CartoonTraceAtoms = 269,
RayOversampleCutoff = 270,
GaussianResolution = 271,
GaussianBFloor = 272,
SculptNbInterval = 273,
SculptTorsWeight = 274,
SculptTorsTolerance = 275,
StickBall = 276,
StickBallRatio = 277,
StickFixedRadius = 278,
CartoonTransparency = 279,
DashRoundEnds = 280,
HBondMaxAngle = 281,
HBondCutoffCenter = 282,
HBondCutoffEdge = 283,
HBondPowerA = 284,
HBondPowerB = 285,
HBondCone = 286,
SsHelixPsiTarget = 287,
SsHelixPsiInclude = 288,
SsHelixPsiExclude = 289,
SsHelixPhiTarget = 290,
SsHelixPhiInclude = 291,
SsHelixPhiExclude = 292,
SsStrandPsiTarget = 293,
SsStrandPsiInclude = 294,
SsStrandPsiExclude = 295,
SsStrandPhiTarget = 296,
SsStrandPhiInclude = 297,
SsStrandPhiExclude = 298,
MovieLoop = 299,
PdbRetainIds = 300,
PdbNoEndRecord = 301,
CgoDotWidth = 302,
CgoDotRadius = 303,
DeferUpdates = 304,
NormalizeOMaps = 305,
SwapDsn6Bytes = 306,
PdbInsertionsGoFirst = 307,
RovingOriginZ = 308,
RovingOriginZCushion = 309,
SpecularIntensity = 310,
OverlayLines = 311,
RayTransparencySpecCut = 312,
InternalPrompt = 313,
NormalizeGrdMaps = 314,
RayBlendColors = 315,
RayBlendRed = 316,
RayBlendGreen = 317,
RayBlendBlue = 318,
PngScreenGamma = 319,
PngFileGamma = 320,
EditorLabelFragments = 321,
InternalGuiControlSize = 322,
AutoDss = 323,
TransparencyPickingMode = 324,
VirtualTrackball = 325,
PdbReformatNamesMode = 326,
RayPixelScale = 327,
LabelFontId = 328,
PdbConectAll = 329,
ButtonModeName = 330,
SurfaceType = 331,
DotNormals = 332,
SessionMigration = 333,
MeshNormals = 334,
MeshType = 335,
DotLighting = 336,
MeshLighting = 337,
SurfaceSolvent = 338,
TriangleMaxPasses = 339,
RayInteriorReflect = 340,
InternalGuiMode = 341,
SurfaceCarveSelection = 342,
SurfaceCarveState = 343,
SurfaceCarveCutoff = 344,
SurfaceClearSelection = 345,
SurfaceClearState = 346,
SurfaceClearCutoff = 347,
SurfaceTrimCutoff = 348,
SurfaceTrimFactor = 349,
RayMaxPasses = 350,
ActiveSelections = 351,
RayTransparencyContrast = 352,
SeqView = 353,
MouseSelectionMode = 354,
SeqViewLabelSpacing = 355,
SeqViewLabelStart = 356,
SeqViewFormat = 357,
SeqViewLocation = 358,
SeqViewOverlay = 359,
AutoClassifyAtoms = 360,
CartoonNucleicAcidMode = 361,
SeqViewColor = 362,
SeqViewLabelMode = 363,
SurfaceRampAboveMode = 364,
Stereo = 365,
WizardPromptMode = 366,
CoulombCutoff = 367,
SliceTrackCamera = 368,
SliceHeightScale = 369,
SliceHeightMap = 370,
SliceGrid = 371,
SliceDynamicGrid = 372,
SliceDynamicGridResolution = 373,
PdbInsureOrthogonal = 374,
RayDirectShade = 375,
StickColor = 376,
CartoonPuttyRadius = 377,
CartoonPuttyQuality = 378,
CartoonPuttyScaleMin = 379,
CartoonPuttyScaleMax = 380,
CartoonPuttyScalePower = 381,
CartoonPuttyRange = 382,
CartoonSideChainHelper = 383,
SurfaceOptimizeSubsets = 384,
Multiplex = 385,
TextureFonts = 386,
PqrNoChainId = 387,
Animation = 388,
AnimationDuration = 389,
SceneAnimation = 390,
LineStickHelper = 391,
RayOrthoscopic = 392,
RibbonSideChainHelper = 393,
SelectionWidthMax = 394,
SelectionWidthScale = 395,
SceneCurrentName = 396,
Presentation = 397,
PresentationMode = 398,
PdbTruncateResidueName = 399,
SceneLoop = 400,
SweepMode = 401,
SweepPhase = 402,
SceneRestartMovieDelay = 403,
MouseRestartMovieDelay = 404,
AngleSize = 405,
AngleLabelPosition = 406,
DihedralSize = 407,
DihedralLabelPosition = 408,
DeferBuildsMode = 409,
SeqViewDiscreteByState = 410,
SceneAnimationDuration = 411,
Wildcard = 412,
AtomNameWildcard = 413,
IgnoreCase = 414,
PresentationAutoQuit = 415,
EditorAutoDihedral = 416,
PresentationAutoStart = 417,
ValidateObjectNames = 418,
UnusedBooleanDefTrue = 419,
AutoShowSpheres = 420,
SphereMode = 421,
SpherePointMaxSize = 422,
SpherePointSize = 423,
PdbHonorModelNumber = 424,
RankAssistedSorts = 425,
RibbonNucleicAcidMode = 426,
CartoonRingMode = 427,
CartoonRingWidth = 428,
CartoonRingColor = 429,
CartoonRingFinder = 430,
CartoonTubeCap = 431,
CartoonLoopCap = 432,
NvidiaBugs = 433,
ImageDotsPerInch = 434,
OpaqueBackground = 435,
DrawFrames = 436,
ShowAlphaChecker = 437,
MatrixMode = 438,
EditorAutoOrigin = 439,
SessionFile = 440,
CgoTransparency = 441,
LegacyMouseZoom = 442,
AutoNumberSelections = 443,
SculptVdwVisMode = 444,
SculptVdwVisMin = 445,
SculptVdwVisMid = 446,
SculptVdwVisMax = 447,
CartoonLadderMode = 448,
CartoonLadderRadius = 449,
CartoonLadderColor = 450,
CartoonNucleicAcidColor = 451,
CartoonRingTransparency = 452,
LabelSize = 453,
SpecDirect = 454,
LightCount = 455,
Light2 = 456,
Light3 = 457,
HideUnderscoreNames = 458,
SelectionRoundPoints = 459,
DistanceExclusion = 460,
HBondExclusion = 461,
LabelShadowMode = 462,
Light4 = 463,
Light5 = 464,
Light6 = 465,
Light7 = 466,
LabelOutlineColor = 467,
RayTraceMode = 468,
RayTraceGain = 469,
SelectionVisibleOnly = 470,
LabelPosition = 471,
RayTraceDepthFactor = 472,
RayTraceSlopeFactor = 473,
RayTraceDiscoFactor = 474,
RayShadowDecayFactor = 475,
RayInteriorMode = 476,
RayLegacyLighting = 477,
SculptAutoCenter = 478,
PdbDiscreteChains = 479,
PdbUnbondCations = 480,
SculptTriScale = 481,
SculptTriWeight = 482,
SculptTriMin = 483,
SculptTriMax = 484,
SculptTriMode = 485,
PdbEchoTags = 486,
ConnectBonded = 487,
SpecDirectPower = 488,
Light8 = 489,
Light9 = 490,
RayShadowDecayRange = 491,
SpecCount = 492,
SculptMinScale = 493,
SculptMinWeight = 494,
SculptMinMin = 495,
SculptMinMax = 496,
SculptMaxScale = 497,
SculptMaxWeight = 498,
SculptMaxMin = 499,
SculptMaxMax = 500,
SurfaceCircumscribe = 501,
SculptAvdWeight = 502,
SculptAvdGap = 503,
SculptAvdRange = 504,
SculptAvdExcl = 505,
AsyncBuilds = 506,
FetchPath = 507,
CartoonRingRadius = 508,
RayColorRamps = 509,
RayHintCamera = 510,
RayHintShadow = 511,
StickValenceScale = 512,
SeqViewAlignment = 513,
SeqViewUnalignedMode = 514,
SeqViewUnalignedColor = 515,
SeqViewFillChar = 516,
SeqViewFillColor = 517,
SeqViewLabelColor = 518,
SurfaceCarveNormalCutoff = 519,
TraceAtomsMode = 520,
SessionChanged = 521,
RayClipShadows = 522,
MouseWheelScale = 523,
NonbondedTransparency = 524,
RaySpecLocal = 525,
LineColor = 526,
RayLabelSpecular = 527,
MeshSkip = 528,
LabelDigits = 529,
LabelDistanceDigits = 530,
LabelAngleDigits = 531,
LabelDihedralDigits = 532,
SurfaceNegativeVisible = 533,
SurfaceNegativeColor = 534,
MeshNegativeVisible = 535,
MeshNegativeColor = 536,
GroupAutoMode = 537,
GroupFullMemberNames = 538,
GradientMaxLength = 539,
GradientMinLength = 540,
GradientMinSlope = 541,
GradientNormalMinDot = 542,
GradientStepSize = 543,
GradientSpacing = 544,
GradientSymmetry = 545,
RayTraceColor = 546,
GroupArrowPrefix = 547,
SuppressHidden = 548,
SessionCompression = 549,
MovieFps = 550,
RayTransparencyOblique = 551,
RayTraceTransCutoff = 552,
RayTracePersistCutoff = 553,
RayTransparencyObliquePower = 554,
RayScatter = 555,
HBondFromProton = 556,
AutoCopyImages = 557,
MoeSeparateChains = 558,
TransparencyGlobalSort = 559,
HideLongBonds = 560,
AutoRenameDuplicateObjects = 561,
PdbHetatmGuessValences = 562,
EllipsoidQuality = 563,
CgoEllipsoidQuality = 564,
MovieAnimateByFrame = 565,
RampBlendNearbyColors = 566,
AutoDeferBuilds = 567,
EllipsoidProbability = 568,
EllipsoidScale = 569,
EllipsoidColor = 570,
EllipsoidTransparency = 571,
MovieRock = 572,
CacheMode = 573,
DashColor = 574,
AngleColor = 575,
DihedralColor = 576,
GridMode = 577,
CacheMax = 578,
GridSlot = 579,
GridMax = 580,
CartoonPuttyTransform = 581,
Rock = 582,
ConeQuality = 583,
PdbFormalCharges = 584,
AtiBugs = 585,
GeometryExportMode = 586,
MouseGrid = 587,
MeshCutoff = 588,
MeshCarveSelection = 589,
MeshCarveState = 590,
MeshCarveCutoff = 591,
MeshClearSelection = 592,
MeshClearState = 593,
MeshClearCutoff = 594,
MeshGridMax = 595,
SessionCacheOptimize = 596,
SdofDragScale = 597,
SceneButtonsMode = 598,
SceneButtons = 599,
MapAutoExpandSym = 600,
ImageCopyAlways = 601,
MaxUps = 602,
AutoOverlay = 603,
StickBallColor = 604,
StickHScale = 605,
SculptPyraInvWeight = 606,
KeepAlive = 607,
FitKabsch = 608,
StereoDynamicStrength = 609,
DynamicWidth = 610,
DynamicWidthFactor = 611,
DynamicWidthMin = 612,
DynamicWidthMax = 613,
DrawMode = 614,
CleanElectroMode = 615,
ValenceMode = 616,
ShowFrameRate = 617,
MoviePanel = 618,
MouseZScale = 619,
MovieAutoStore = 620,
MovieAutoInterpolate = 621,
MoviePanelRowHeight = 622,
SceneFrameMode = 623,
SurfaceCavityMode = 624,
SurfaceCavityRadius = 625,
SurfaceCavityCutoff = 626,
MotionPower = 627,
MotionBias = 628,
MotionSimple = 629,
MotionLinear = 630,
MotionHand = 631,
PdbIgnoreConect = 632,
EditorBondCycleMode = 633,
MovieQuality = 634,
LabelAnchor = 635,
FetchHost = 636,
DynamicMeasures = 637,
NeighborCutoff = 638,
HeavyNeighborCutoff = 639,
PolarNeighborCutoff = 640,
SurfaceResidueCutoff = 641,
SurfaceUseShader = 642,
CartoonUseShader = 643,
StickUseShader = 644,
LineUseShader = 645,
SphereUseShader = 646,
UseShaders = 647,
ShadersFromDisk = 648,
VolumeBitDepth = 649,
VolumeColor = 650,
VolumeLayers = 651,
VolumeDataRange = 652,
AutoDeferAtomCount = 653,
DefaultRefmacNames = 654,
DefaultPhenixNames = 655,
DefaultPhenixNoFillNames = 656,
DefaultBusterNames = 657,
DefaultFofcMapRep = 658,
Default2fofcMapRep = 659,
AtomTypeFormat = 660,
AutocloseDialogs = 661,
BgGradient = 662,
BgRgbTop = 663,
BgRgbBottom = 664,
RayVolume = 665,
RibbonTransparency = 666,
StateCounterMode = 667,
CgoUseShader = 668,
CgoShaderUbColor = 669,
CgoShaderUbNormal = 670,
CgoLighting = 671,
MeshUseShader = 672,
StickDebug = 673,
CgoDebug = 674,
StickRoundNub = 675,
StickGoodGeometry = 676,
StickAsCylinders = 677,
MeshAsCylinders = 678,
LineAsCylinders = 679,
RibbonAsCylinders = 680,
RibbonUseShader = 681,
ExclDisplayListsShaders = 682,
DashUseShader = 683,
DashAsCylinders = 684,
NonbondedUseShader = 685,
NonbondedAsCylinders = 686,
CylindersShaderFilterFaces = 687,
NbSpheresSize = 688,
NbSpheresQuality = 689,
NbSpheresUseShader = 690,
RenderAsCylinders = 691,
AlignmentAsCylinders = 692,
CartoonNucleicAcidAsCylinders = 693,
CgoShaderUbFlags = 694,
AntialiasShader = 695,
OffscreenRenderingMultiplier = 696,
CylinderShaderFfWorkaround = 697,
SurfaceColorSmoothing = 698,
SurfaceColorSmoothingThreshold = 699,
DotUseShader = 700,
DotAsSheres = 701,
AmbientOcclusionMode = 702,
AmbientOcclusionScale = 703,
AmbientOcclusionSmooth = 704,
SmoothHalfBonds = 705,
AnaglyphMode = 706,
EditLight = 707,
SuspendUndo = 708,
SuspendUndoAtomCount = 709,
SuspendDeferred = 710,
PickSurface = 711,
BgImageFilename = 712,
BgImageMode = 713,
BgImageTilesize = 714,
BgImageLinear = 715,
LoadObjectPropsDefault = 716,
LoadAtomPropsDefault = 717,
LabelPlacementOffset = 718,
PdbConectNodup = 719,
LabelConnector = 720,
LabelConnectorMode = 721,
LabelConnectorColor = 722,
LabelConnectorWidth = 723,
LabelConnectorExtLength = 724,
LabelBgColor = 725,
UseGeometryShaders = 726,
LabelRelativeMode = 727,
LabelScreenPoint = 728,
LabelMultilineSpacing = 729,
LabelMultilineJustification = 730,
LabelPadding = 731,
LabelBgTransparency = 732,
LabelBgOutline = 733,
RayLabelConnectorFlat = 734,
DashTransparency = 735,
PickLabels = 736,
LabelZTarget = 737,
SessionEmbedsData = 738,
VolumeMode = 739,
Trilines = 740,
ColladaExportLighting = 741,
ColladaGeometryMode = 742,
PrecomputedLighting = 743,
Chromadepth = 744,
PseExportVersion = 745,
CifUseAuth = 746,
Assembly = 747,
CifKeepinmemory = 748,
PseBinaryDump = 749,
CartoonGapCutoff = 750,
IgnoreCaseChain = 751,
ValenceZeroScale = 752,
ValenceZeroMode = 753,
AutoShowClassified = 754,
ColladaBackgroundBox = 755,
Pick32bit = 756,
CartoonAllAlt = 757,
DisplayScaleFactor = 758,
PickShading = 759,
FetchTypeDefault = 760,
EditorAutoMeasure = 761,
SurfaceSmoothEdges = 762,
ChemCompCartnUse = 763,
ColoredFeedback = 764,
SdfWriteZeroOrderBonds = 765,
CifMetalcAsZeroOrderBonds = 766,
SeqViewGapMode = 767,
InternalGuiNameColorMode = 768,
OpenvrGuiFov = 769,
OpenvrGuiAlpha = 770,
OpenvrGuiUseAlpha = 771,
OpenvrGuiSceneColor = 772,
OpenvrGuiSceneAlpha = 773,
OpenvrGuiBackColor = 774,
OpenvrGuiBackAlpha = 775,
OpenvrGuiUseBackdrop = 776,
OpenvrGuiOverlay = 777,
OpenvrGuiText = 778,
OpenvrDisableClipping = 779,
OpenvrNearPlane = 780,
OpenvrFarPlane = 781,
OpenvrCutLaser = 782,
OpenvrLaserWidth = 783,
OpenvrGuiDistance = 784,
CartoonSmoothCylinderCycles = 785,
CartoonSmoothCylinderWindow = 786,
IsosurfaceAlgorithm = 787,
CellCentered = 788,
HalogenBondDistance = 789,
HalogenBondAsDonorMinDonorAngle = 790,
HalogenBondAsDonorMinAcceptorAngle = 791,
HalogenBondAsAcceptorMinDonorAngle = 792,
HalogenBondAsAcceptorMinAcceptorAngle = 793,
HalogenBondAsAcceptorMaxAcceptorAngle = 794,
SaltBridgeDistance = 795,
UseTessellationShaders = 796,
CellColor = 797,
Expand description
Global Pymol Settings
This enum is derived from SettingInfo.h, pymol’s setting specification
BondingVdwCutoff = 0
MinMeshSpacing = 1
DotDensity = 2
DotMode = 3
SolventRadius = 4
SelCounter = 5
BgRgb = 6
Ambient = 7
Direct = 8
Reflect = 9
Light = 10
Power = 11
Antialias = 12
CavityCull = 13
GlAmbient = 14
SingleImage = 15
MovieDelay = 16
RibbonPower = 17
RibbonPowerB = 18
RibbonSampling = 19
RibbonRadius = 20
StickRadius = 21
HashMax = 22
Orthoscopic = 23
SpecReflect = 24
SpecPower = 25
SweepAngle = 26
SweepSpeed = 27
DotHydrogens = 28
DotRadius = 29
RayTraceFrames = 30
CacheFrames = 31
TrimDots = 32
CullSpheres = 33
Test1 = 34
Test2 = 35
SurfaceBest = 36
SurfaceNormal = 37
SurfaceQuality = 38
SurfaceProximity = 39
NormalWorkaround = 40
StereoAngle = 41
StereoShift = 42
LineSmooth = 43
LineWidth = 44
HalfBonds = 45
StickQuality = 46
StickOverlap = 47
StickNub = 48
AllStates = 49
Pickable = 50
AutoShowLines = 51
IdleDelay = 52
NoIdle = 53
FastIdle = 54
SlowIdle = 55
RockDelay = 56
DistCounter = 57
DashLength = 58
DashGap = 59
AutoZoom = 60
Overlay = 61
Text = 62
ButtonMode = 63
Valence = 64
NonbondedSize = 65
LabelColor = 66
RayTraceFog = 67
SpheroidScale = 68
RayTraceFogStart = 69
SpheroidSmooth = 70
SpheroidFill = 71
AutoShowNonbonded = 72
CacheDisplay = 73
MeshRadius = 74
BackfaceCull = 75
Gamma = 76
DotWidth = 77
AutoShowSelections = 78
AutoHideSelections = 79
SelectionWidth = 80
SelectionOverlay = 81
StaticSingletons = 82
DepthCue = 84
Specular = 85
Shininess = 86
SphereQuality = 87
Fog = 88
IsomeshAutoState = 89
MeshWidth = 90
CartoonSampling = 91
CartoonLoopRadius = 92
CartoonLoopQuality = 93
CartoonPower = 94
CartoonPowerB = 95
CartoonRectLength = 96
CartoonRectWidth = 97
InternalGuiWidth = 98
InternalGui = 99
CartoonOvalLength = 100
CartoonOvalWidth = 101
CartoonOvalQuality = 102
CartoonTubeRadius = 103
CartoonTubeQuality = 104
CartoonDebug = 105
RibbonWidth = 106
DashWidth = 107
DashRadius = 108
CgoRayWidthScale = 109
LineRadius = 110
CartoonRoundHelices = 111
CartoonRefineNormals = 112
CartoonFlatSheets = 113
CartoonSmoothLoops = 114
CartoonDumbbellLength = 115
CartoonDumbbellWidth = 116
CartoonDumbbellRadius = 117
CartoonFancyHelices = 118
CartoonFancySheets = 119
IgnorePdbSegi = 120
RibbonThrow = 121
CartoonThrow = 122
CartoonRefine = 123
CartoonRefineTips = 124
CartoonDiscreteColors = 125
NormalizeCcp4Maps = 126
SurfacePoor = 127
InternalFeedback = 128
CgoLineWidth = 129
CgoLineRadius = 130
Logging = 131
RobustLogs = 132
LogBoxSelections = 133
LogConformations = 134
ValenceSize = 135
SurfaceMiserable = 136
RayOpaqueBackground = 137
Transparency = 138
RayTexture = 139
RayTextureSettings = 140
SuspendUpdates = 141
FullScreen = 142
SurfaceMode = 143
SurfaceColor = 144
MeshMode = 145
MeshColor = 146
AutoIndicateFlags = 147
SurfaceDebug = 148
RayImproveShadows = 149
SmoothColorTriangle = 150
RayDefaultRenderer = 151
FieldOfView = 152
ReflectPower = 153
PreserveChempyIds = 154
SphereScale = 155
TwoSidedLighting = 156
SecondaryStructure = 157
AutoRemoveHydrogens = 158
RaiseExceptions = 159
StopOnExceptions = 160
Sculpting = 161
AutoSculpt = 162
SculptVdwScale = 163
SculptVdwScale14 = 164
SculptVdwWeight = 165
SculptVdwWeight14 = 166
SculptBondWeight = 167
SculptAnglWeight = 168
SculptPyraWeight = 169
SculptPlanWeight = 170
SculptingCycles = 171
SphereTransparency = 172
SphereColor = 173
SculptFieldMask = 174
SculptHbOverlap = 175
SculptHbOverlapBase = 176
LegacyVdwRadii = 177
SculptMemory = 178
ConnectMode = 179
CartoonCylindricalHelices = 180
CartoonHelixRadius = 181
ConnectCutoff = 182
SavePdbSs = 183
SculptLineWeight = 184
FitIterations = 185
FitTolerance = 186
BatchPrefix = 187
StereoMode = 188
CgoSphereQuality = 189
PdbLiteralNames = 190
WrapOutput = 191
FogStart = 192
State = 193
Frame = 194
RayShadow = 195
RibbonTraceAtoms = 196
Security = 197
StickTransparency = 198
RayTransparencyShadows = 199
SessionVersionCheck = 200
RayTransparencySpecular = 201
StereDoublePumpMono = 202
SphereSolvent = 203
MeshQuality = 204
MeshSolvent = 205
DotSolvent = 206
RayShadowFudge = 207
RayTriangleFudge = 208
DebugPick = 209
DotColor = 210
MouseLimit = 211
MouseScale = 212
TransparencyMode = 213
ClampColors = 214
PymolSpaceMaxRed = 215
PymolSpaceMaxGreen = 216
PymolSpaceMaxBlue = 217
PymolSpaceMinFactor = 218
RovingOrigin = 219
RovingLines = 220
RovingSticks = 221
RovingSpheres = 222
RovingLabels = 223
RovingDelay = 224
RovingSelection = 225
RovingByres = 226
RovingRibbon = 227
RovingCartoon = 228
RovingPolarContacts = 229
RovingPolarCutoff = 230
RovingNonbonded = 231
FloatLabels = 232
RovingDetail = 233
RovingNbSpheres = 234
RibbonColor = 235
CartoonColor = 236
RibbonSmooth = 237
AutoColor = 238
AutoColorNext = 239
RayInteriorColor = 240
CartoonHighlightColor = 241
CoulombUnitsFactor = 242
CoulombDielectric = 243
RayInteriorShadows = 244
RayInteriorTexture = 245
RovingMap1Name = 246
RovingMap2Name = 247
RovingMap3Name = 248
RovingMap1Level = 249
RovingMap2Level = 250
RovingMap3Level = 251
RovingIsomesh = 252
RovingIsosurface = 253
ScenesChanged = 254
GaussianBAdjust = 255
PdbStandardOrder = 256
CartoonSmoothFirst = 257
CartoonSmoothLast = 258
CartoonSmoothCycles = 259
CartoonFlatCycles = 260
MaxThreads = 261
ShowProgress = 262
UseDisplayLists = 263
CacheMemory = 264
SimplifyDisplayLists = 265
RetainOrder = 266
PdbHetatmSort = 267
PdbUseTerRecords = 268
CartoonTraceAtoms = 269
RayOversampleCutoff = 270
GaussianResolution = 271
GaussianBFloor = 272
SculptNbInterval = 273
SculptTorsWeight = 274
SculptTorsTolerance = 275
StickBall = 276
StickBallRatio = 277
StickFixedRadius = 278
CartoonTransparency = 279
DashRoundEnds = 280
HBondMaxAngle = 281
HBondCutoffCenter = 282
HBondCutoffEdge = 283
HBondPowerA = 284
HBondPowerB = 285
HBondCone = 286
SsHelixPsiTarget = 287
SsHelixPsiInclude = 288
SsHelixPsiExclude = 289
SsHelixPhiTarget = 290
SsHelixPhiInclude = 291
SsHelixPhiExclude = 292
SsStrandPsiTarget = 293
SsStrandPsiInclude = 294
SsStrandPsiExclude = 295
SsStrandPhiTarget = 296
SsStrandPhiInclude = 297
SsStrandPhiExclude = 298
MovieLoop = 299
PdbRetainIds = 300
PdbNoEndRecord = 301
CgoDotWidth = 302
CgoDotRadius = 303
DeferUpdates = 304
NormalizeOMaps = 305
SwapDsn6Bytes = 306
PdbInsertionsGoFirst = 307
RovingOriginZ = 308
RovingOriginZCushion = 309
SpecularIntensity = 310
OverlayLines = 311
RayTransparencySpecCut = 312
InternalPrompt = 313
NormalizeGrdMaps = 314
RayBlendColors = 315
RayBlendRed = 316
RayBlendGreen = 317
RayBlendBlue = 318
PngScreenGamma = 319
PngFileGamma = 320
EditorLabelFragments = 321
InternalGuiControlSize = 322
AutoDss = 323
TransparencyPickingMode = 324
VirtualTrackball = 325
PdbReformatNamesMode = 326
RayPixelScale = 327
LabelFontId = 328
PdbConectAll = 329
ButtonModeName = 330
SurfaceType = 331
DotNormals = 332
SessionMigration = 333
MeshNormals = 334
MeshType = 335
DotLighting = 336
MeshLighting = 337
SurfaceSolvent = 338
TriangleMaxPasses = 339
RayInteriorReflect = 340
InternalGuiMode = 341
SurfaceCarveSelection = 342
SurfaceCarveState = 343
SurfaceCarveCutoff = 344
SurfaceClearSelection = 345
SurfaceClearState = 346
SurfaceClearCutoff = 347
SurfaceTrimCutoff = 348
SurfaceTrimFactor = 349
RayMaxPasses = 350
ActiveSelections = 351
RayTransparencyContrast = 352
SeqView = 353
MouseSelectionMode = 354
SeqViewLabelSpacing = 355
SeqViewLabelStart = 356
SeqViewFormat = 357
SeqViewLocation = 358
SeqViewOverlay = 359
AutoClassifyAtoms = 360
CartoonNucleicAcidMode = 361
SeqViewColor = 362
SeqViewLabelMode = 363
SurfaceRampAboveMode = 364
Stereo = 365
WizardPromptMode = 366
CoulombCutoff = 367
SliceTrackCamera = 368
SliceHeightScale = 369
SliceHeightMap = 370
SliceGrid = 371
SliceDynamicGrid = 372
SliceDynamicGridResolution = 373
PdbInsureOrthogonal = 374
RayDirectShade = 375
StickColor = 376
CartoonPuttyRadius = 377
CartoonPuttyQuality = 378
CartoonPuttyScaleMin = 379
CartoonPuttyScaleMax = 380
CartoonPuttyScalePower = 381
CartoonPuttyRange = 382
CartoonSideChainHelper = 383
SurfaceOptimizeSubsets = 384
Multiplex = 385
TextureFonts = 386
PqrNoChainId = 387
Animation = 388
AnimationDuration = 389
SceneAnimation = 390
LineStickHelper = 391
RayOrthoscopic = 392
RibbonSideChainHelper = 393
SelectionWidthMax = 394
SelectionWidthScale = 395
SceneCurrentName = 396
Presentation = 397
PresentationMode = 398
PdbTruncateResidueName = 399
SceneLoop = 400
SweepMode = 401
SweepPhase = 402
SceneRestartMovieDelay = 403
MouseRestartMovieDelay = 404
AngleSize = 405
AngleLabelPosition = 406
DihedralSize = 407
DihedralLabelPosition = 408
DeferBuildsMode = 409
SeqViewDiscreteByState = 410
SceneAnimationDuration = 411
Wildcard = 412
AtomNameWildcard = 413
IgnoreCase = 414
PresentationAutoQuit = 415
EditorAutoDihedral = 416
PresentationAutoStart = 417
ValidateObjectNames = 418
UnusedBooleanDefTrue = 419
AutoShowSpheres = 420
SphereMode = 421
SpherePointMaxSize = 422
SpherePointSize = 423
PdbHonorModelNumber = 424
RankAssistedSorts = 425
RibbonNucleicAcidMode = 426
CartoonRingMode = 427
CartoonRingWidth = 428
CartoonRingColor = 429
CartoonRingFinder = 430
CartoonTubeCap = 431
CartoonLoopCap = 432
NvidiaBugs = 433
ImageDotsPerInch = 434
OpaqueBackground = 435
DrawFrames = 436
ShowAlphaChecker = 437
MatrixMode = 438
EditorAutoOrigin = 439
SessionFile = 440
CgoTransparency = 441
LegacyMouseZoom = 442
AutoNumberSelections = 443
SculptVdwVisMode = 444
SculptVdwVisMin = 445
SculptVdwVisMid = 446
SculptVdwVisMax = 447
CartoonLadderMode = 448
CartoonLadderRadius = 449
CartoonLadderColor = 450
CartoonNucleicAcidColor = 451
CartoonRingTransparency = 452
LabelSize = 453
SpecDirect = 454
LightCount = 455
Light2 = 456
Light3 = 457
HideUnderscoreNames = 458
SelectionRoundPoints = 459
DistanceExclusion = 460
HBondExclusion = 461
LabelShadowMode = 462
Light4 = 463
Light5 = 464
Light6 = 465
Light7 = 466
LabelOutlineColor = 467
RayTraceMode = 468
RayTraceGain = 469
SelectionVisibleOnly = 470
LabelPosition = 471
RayTraceDepthFactor = 472
RayTraceSlopeFactor = 473
RayTraceDiscoFactor = 474
RayShadowDecayFactor = 475
RayInteriorMode = 476
RayLegacyLighting = 477
SculptAutoCenter = 478
PdbDiscreteChains = 479
PdbUnbondCations = 480
SculptTriScale = 481
SculptTriWeight = 482
SculptTriMin = 483
SculptTriMax = 484
SculptTriMode = 485
PdbEchoTags = 486
ConnectBonded = 487
SpecDirectPower = 488
Light8 = 489
Light9 = 490
RayShadowDecayRange = 491
SpecCount = 492
SculptMinScale = 493
SculptMinWeight = 494
SculptMinMin = 495
SculptMinMax = 496
SculptMaxScale = 497
SculptMaxWeight = 498
SculptMaxMin = 499
SculptMaxMax = 500
SurfaceCircumscribe = 501
SculptAvdWeight = 502
SculptAvdGap = 503
SculptAvdRange = 504
SculptAvdExcl = 505
AsyncBuilds = 506
FetchPath = 507
CartoonRingRadius = 508
RayColorRamps = 509
RayHintCamera = 510
RayHintShadow = 511
StickValenceScale = 512
SeqViewAlignment = 513
SeqViewUnalignedMode = 514
SeqViewUnalignedColor = 515
SeqViewFillChar = 516
SeqViewFillColor = 517
SeqViewLabelColor = 518
SurfaceCarveNormalCutoff = 519
TraceAtomsMode = 520
SessionChanged = 521
RayClipShadows = 522
MouseWheelScale = 523
NonbondedTransparency = 524
RaySpecLocal = 525
LineColor = 526
RayLabelSpecular = 527
MeshSkip = 528
LabelDigits = 529
LabelDistanceDigits = 530
LabelAngleDigits = 531
LabelDihedralDigits = 532
SurfaceNegativeVisible = 533
SurfaceNegativeColor = 534
MeshNegativeVisible = 535
MeshNegativeColor = 536
GroupAutoMode = 537
GroupFullMemberNames = 538
GradientMaxLength = 539
GradientMinLength = 540
GradientMinSlope = 541
GradientNormalMinDot = 542
GradientStepSize = 543
GradientSpacing = 544
GradientSymmetry = 545
RayTraceColor = 546
GroupArrowPrefix = 547
SuppressHidden = 548
SessionCompression = 549
MovieFps = 550
RayTransparencyOblique = 551
RayTraceTransCutoff = 552
RayTracePersistCutoff = 553
RayTransparencyObliquePower = 554
RayScatter = 555
HBondFromProton = 556
AutoCopyImages = 557
MoeSeparateChains = 558
TransparencyGlobalSort = 559
HideLongBonds = 560
AutoRenameDuplicateObjects = 561
PdbHetatmGuessValences = 562
EllipsoidQuality = 563
CgoEllipsoidQuality = 564
MovieAnimateByFrame = 565
RampBlendNearbyColors = 566
AutoDeferBuilds = 567
EllipsoidProbability = 568
EllipsoidScale = 569
EllipsoidColor = 570
EllipsoidTransparency = 571
MovieRock = 572
CacheMode = 573
DashColor = 574
AngleColor = 575
DihedralColor = 576
GridMode = 577
CacheMax = 578
GridSlot = 579
GridMax = 580
CartoonPuttyTransform = 581
Rock = 582
ConeQuality = 583
PdbFormalCharges = 584
AtiBugs = 585
GeometryExportMode = 586
MouseGrid = 587
MeshCutoff = 588
MeshCarveSelection = 589
MeshCarveState = 590
MeshCarveCutoff = 591
MeshClearSelection = 592
MeshClearState = 593
MeshClearCutoff = 594
MeshGridMax = 595
SessionCacheOptimize = 596
SdofDragScale = 597
SceneButtonsMode = 598
SceneButtons = 599
MapAutoExpandSym = 600
ImageCopyAlways = 601
MaxUps = 602
AutoOverlay = 603
StickBallColor = 604
StickHScale = 605
SculptPyraInvWeight = 606
KeepAlive = 607
FitKabsch = 608
StereoDynamicStrength = 609
DynamicWidth = 610
DynamicWidthFactor = 611
DynamicWidthMin = 612
DynamicWidthMax = 613
DrawMode = 614
CleanElectroMode = 615
ValenceMode = 616
ShowFrameRate = 617
MoviePanel = 618
MouseZScale = 619
MovieAutoStore = 620
MovieAutoInterpolate = 621
MoviePanelRowHeight = 622
SceneFrameMode = 623
SurfaceCavityMode = 624
SurfaceCavityRadius = 625
SurfaceCavityCutoff = 626
MotionPower = 627
MotionBias = 628
MotionSimple = 629
MotionLinear = 630
MotionHand = 631
PdbIgnoreConect = 632
EditorBondCycleMode = 633
MovieQuality = 634
LabelAnchor = 635
FetchHost = 636
DynamicMeasures = 637
NeighborCutoff = 638
HeavyNeighborCutoff = 639
PolarNeighborCutoff = 640
SurfaceResidueCutoff = 641
SurfaceUseShader = 642
CartoonUseShader = 643
StickUseShader = 644
LineUseShader = 645
SphereUseShader = 646
UseShaders = 647
ShadersFromDisk = 648
VolumeBitDepth = 649
VolumeColor = 650
VolumeLayers = 651
VolumeDataRange = 652
AutoDeferAtomCount = 653
DefaultRefmacNames = 654
DefaultPhenixNames = 655
DefaultPhenixNoFillNames = 656
DefaultBusterNames = 657
DefaultFofcMapRep = 658
Default2fofcMapRep = 659
AtomTypeFormat = 660
AutocloseDialogs = 661
BgGradient = 662
BgRgbTop = 663
BgRgbBottom = 664
RayVolume = 665
RibbonTransparency = 666
StateCounterMode = 667
CgoUseShader = 668
CgoShaderUbColor = 669
CgoShaderUbNormal = 670
CgoLighting = 671
MeshUseShader = 672
StickDebug = 673
CgoDebug = 674
StickRoundNub = 675
StickGoodGeometry = 676
StickAsCylinders = 677
MeshAsCylinders = 678
LineAsCylinders = 679
RibbonAsCylinders = 680
RibbonUseShader = 681
ExclDisplayListsShaders = 682
DashUseShader = 683
DashAsCylinders = 684
NonbondedUseShader = 685
NonbondedAsCylinders = 686
CylindersShaderFilterFaces = 687
NbSpheresSize = 688
NbSpheresQuality = 689
NbSpheresUseShader = 690
RenderAsCylinders = 691
AlignmentAsCylinders = 692
CartoonNucleicAcidAsCylinders = 693
CgoShaderUbFlags = 694
AntialiasShader = 695
OffscreenRenderingMultiplier = 696
CylinderShaderFfWorkaround = 697
SurfaceColorSmoothing = 698
SurfaceColorSmoothingThreshold = 699
DotUseShader = 700
DotAsSheres = 701
AmbientOcclusionMode = 702
AmbientOcclusionScale = 703
AmbientOcclusionSmooth = 704
SmoothHalfBonds = 705
AnaglyphMode = 706
EditLight = 707
SuspendUndo = 708
SuspendUndoAtomCount = 709
SuspendDeferred = 710
PickSurface = 711
BgImageFilename = 712
BgImageMode = 713
BgImageTilesize = 714
BgImageLinear = 715
LoadObjectPropsDefault = 716
LoadAtomPropsDefault = 717
LabelPlacementOffset = 718
PdbConectNodup = 719
LabelConnector = 720
LabelConnectorMode = 721
LabelConnectorColor = 722
LabelConnectorWidth = 723
LabelConnectorExtLength = 724
LabelBgColor = 725
UseGeometryShaders = 726
LabelRelativeMode = 727
LabelScreenPoint = 728
LabelMultilineSpacing = 729
LabelMultilineJustification = 730
LabelPadding = 731
LabelBgTransparency = 732
LabelBgOutline = 733
RayLabelConnectorFlat = 734
DashTransparency = 735
PickLabels = 736
LabelZTarget = 737
SessionEmbedsData = 738
VolumeMode = 739
Trilines = 740
ColladaExportLighting = 741
ColladaGeometryMode = 742
PrecomputedLighting = 743
Chromadepth = 744
PseExportVersion = 745
CifUseAuth = 746
Assembly = 747
CifKeepinmemory = 748
PseBinaryDump = 749
CartoonGapCutoff = 750
IgnoreCaseChain = 751
ValenceZeroScale = 752
ValenceZeroMode = 753
AutoShowClassified = 754
ColladaBackgroundBox = 755
Pick32bit = 756
CartoonAllAlt = 757
DisplayScaleFactor = 758
PickShading = 759
FetchTypeDefault = 760
EditorAutoMeasure = 761
SurfaceSmoothEdges = 762
ChemCompCartnUse = 763
ColoredFeedback = 764
SdfWriteZeroOrderBonds = 765
CifMetalcAsZeroOrderBonds = 766
SeqViewGapMode = 767
InternalGuiNameColorMode = 768
OpenvrGuiFov = 769
OpenvrGuiAlpha = 770
OpenvrGuiUseAlpha = 771
OpenvrGuiSceneColor = 772
OpenvrGuiSceneAlpha = 773
OpenvrGuiBackColor = 774
OpenvrGuiBackAlpha = 775
OpenvrGuiUseBackdrop = 776
OpenvrGuiOverlay = 777
OpenvrGuiText = 778
OpenvrDisableClipping = 779
OpenvrNearPlane = 780
OpenvrFarPlane = 781
OpenvrCutLaser = 782
OpenvrLaserWidth = 783
OpenvrGuiDistance = 784
CartoonSmoothCylinderCycles = 785
CartoonSmoothCylinderWindow = 786
IsosurfaceAlgorithm = 787
CellCentered = 788
HalogenBondDistance = 789
HalogenBondAsDonorMinDonorAngle = 790
HalogenBondAsDonorMinAcceptorAngle = 791
HalogenBondAsAcceptorMinDonorAngle = 792
HalogenBondAsAcceptorMinAcceptorAngle = 793
HalogenBondAsAcceptorMaxAcceptorAngle = 794
SaltBridgeDistance = 795
UseTessellationShaders = 796
CellColor = 797
Trait Implementations§
source§impl Clone for SettingsEnum
impl Clone for SettingsEnum
source§fn clone(&self) -> SettingsEnum
fn clone(&self) -> SettingsEnum
Returns a copy of the value. Read more
1.0.0 · source§fn clone_from(&mut self, source: &Self)
fn clone_from(&mut self, source: &Self)
Performs copy-assignment from
. Read moresource§impl Debug for SettingsEnum
impl Debug for SettingsEnum
source§impl<'de> Deserialize<'de> for SettingsEnum
impl<'de> Deserialize<'de> for SettingsEnum
source§fn deserialize<D>(deserializer: D) -> Result<Self, D::Error>where
D: Deserializer<'de>,
fn deserialize<D>(deserializer: D) -> Result<Self, D::Error>where
D: Deserializer<'de>,
Deserialize this value from the given Serde deserializer. Read more
source§impl PartialEq for SettingsEnum
impl PartialEq for SettingsEnum
source§impl Serialize for SettingsEnum
impl Serialize for SettingsEnum
impl StructuralPartialEq for SettingsEnum
Auto Trait Implementations§
impl Freeze for SettingsEnum
impl RefUnwindSafe for SettingsEnum
impl Send for SettingsEnum
impl Sync for SettingsEnum
impl Unpin for SettingsEnum
impl UnwindSafe for SettingsEnum
Blanket Implementations§
source§impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for Twhere
T: ?Sized,
impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for Twhere
T: ?Sized,
source§fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T
fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T
Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more
source§impl<T> CloneToUninit for Twhere
T: Clone,
impl<T> CloneToUninit for Twhere
T: Clone,
source§unsafe fn clone_to_uninit(&self, dst: *mut T)
unsafe fn clone_to_uninit(&self, dst: *mut T)
🔬This is a nightly-only experimental API. (
)source§impl<T> IntoEither for T
impl<T> IntoEither for T
source§fn into_either(self, into_left: bool) -> Either<Self, Self>
fn into_either(self, into_left: bool) -> Either<Self, Self>
into a Left
variant of Either<Self, Self>
if into_left
is true
Converts self
into a Right
variant of Either<Self, Self>
otherwise. Read moresource§fn into_either_with<F>(self, into_left: F) -> Either<Self, Self>
fn into_either_with<F>(self, into_left: F) -> Either<Self, Self>
into a Left
variant of Either<Self, Self>
if into_left(&self)
returns true
Converts self
into a Right
variant of Either<Self, Self>
otherwise. Read more